Miami Could Host Super Bowl Every Five Years – The Next Miami

super bowl cities for the next 5 years

super bowl cities for the next 5 years - win

Anyone else from the same area as a Teen Mom cast member and possibly have any real life experiences with them? I'll start: I'm from the same area as Jenelle.

So I'm a long-time watcher of the shows, first time poster in here. I have recently been rewatching old seasons and I've always particularly tuned in on Jenelle's story on TM2 because she lived probably about 30-45 minutes away from me. I lived in North Myrtle Beach, SC (where Jenelle lived with Nathan) most of my life growing up and my best friend all throughout middle and high school lived in Shallotte, NC which was about 15-20 minutes from where I lived and in Brunswick County, the county Jenelle and Barb both lived in at the beginning of the show. I've actually had encounters with both of them in person, never wanted to make any of them feel weird being like "OH MY GOD THATS BARB I NEED A PICTURE!!!" when seeing them but I thought some people on here may get a laugh out of some of these, and also if anyone else has any stories please feel free to share, I'd love to hear them :)
1) Infamous Planet Fun in Shallotte where Jenelle and Kieffer fought in the parking lot. I unfortunately cannot say I witnessed that fight firsthand. However, Planet Fun was the spot for my friends and me in middle school. (I'm like 6-7 years younger than Jenelle) It had bowling, laser tag, an arcade, etc. and everyone in Brunswick county went there, whether you were 12 or 22. It was just quite literally one of the only places without going to either Wilmington or North Myrtle that there was a lot to do. I only saw Jenelle there with friends once, but that was my first sighting of our local celebrity.
2) St. Patrick's Day parade in North Myrtle Beach, this may be my personal favorite. Jenelle was now a North Myrtle Beach resident thanks to moving in with Nathan. Every year the city does a parade/festival for pretty much every major holiday and pretty much everyone attends. I was probably about 14? 15? and at the festival with one of my friends, and sure enough we see Jenelle (pretty pregnant with Kaiser at the time), Nathan, Barb, and Jace all walking in the opposite direction of us and we overheard Jenelle say to Jace, "LOOK! THIS IS ST. PATTYS DAY JACE!" (quite sure he was old enough to know what "St. Pattys" day is) and we went on to tell everyone in school that exact story the next day.
3) This isn't my personal experience, but wanted to add that I had a friend that lived in the same neighborhood as Jenelle and Nathan and she would say you could always hear them yelling at each other and fighting and the cops were called plenty of other times that didn't land either one of them on Mugshot Monday.
4) Jenelle was in the Chick-fil-a drive thru when I worked there and she wasn't the kindest, she was very demanding about how many sauces she wanted. Overall not much to take from that experience.
5) Another favorite, I served Barb and Jace at Olive Garden when I worked there! This was very recent actually, only maybe a year or two ago. I didn't want to bring up anything related to the show as Jace was there and I wanted to respect them both as normal people who wanted to go out to eat (doesn't mean I wasn't freaking out in the kitchen😂). Jace was so cute and he looks even more like Jenelle in person, he had just gotten done with a field trip. Barb was so sweet!!! She wasn't needy or demanding at all and was super nice to me, I think she knew I knew who they were but respected that I didn't make a big deal out of it. She was also a generous tipper!
Sorry it's such a long post, I just had a lot of experiences from the years of living in the same area as Jenelle and wanted to share them! I'd love to hear other experiences as well.
Edit: Wow, wasn't expecting this post to get the amount of response it has! I've been home from work sick with a stomach virus the past few days, and this is definitely keeping me entertained! It's only been a few hours so I know there's more stories coming too! If anyone has any questions about anything from any of my encounters I'd love to answer them also! Replying to all that I can while rewatching TM2 to keep my entertainment going 😊
submitted by hayleyelyce to TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 [link] [comments]

Social Influence, Tara Reade, Deplatforming, and /r/ChapoTrapHouse, Presented Through the Observations of a Former Poster

Chapo was banned a while ago, but my opinions have only been put together recently. I must put a trigger warning at the start of this post, as it involves discussion of both Tara Reade and my own trauma, as my beliefs on the Reade story were intensely intertwined with how I was processing my trauma at the time.
This won't have nearly as many sources as the usual effortpost, because a lot of the concepts in play are pretty straightforward and simple, a lot of them are things I've personally interacted with and implemented, and I'd be linking to a lot of wiki articles. The mechanics of how these concepts were used is the sneaky part, and building understanding of what any people in your life drifting to the extreme are feeling is important.
One source I do wish to share is one of the organizations whose research was used in developing my understanding of intentional social marketing while I was going to college, and while I don't think a lot of people are formally setting out saying "I'm going do social marketing interventions to get my audience/others I interact with online to hate Hillary Clinton and Emmanuel Macron," but I do think they're using a lot of the same principles to relatively powerful effect.

TWs under this line

Sexual Assault, Emotional Manipulation, Mental Health, Emotional Abuse, Depression
And, without further ado:


I used to be incredibly hard left, briefly a Stalinist, cooled down to just being a person who screeches online about Nancy Pelosi, eventually realized a bunch of things that we'll get to in this post, and realized market forces are useful if directed properly. I don't actually know where I stand but it's somewhere in this realm (currently calling myself a centrist between neolibs and social dem) and this seems like the best forum to post this, because people should know how the mechanics of this aspect of the lefty propaganda influence machine works.
Anybody who manipulates others in bad faith, playing on their emotional vulnerabilities so they'll buy and push literal misinformation, is an enemy to discourse, and I'm fairly sure the vast majority of people here will agree with this premise.
One of the few things I'm actually qualified to talk a little bit about is social marketing, that is, marketing a product, belief, candidate, behavioral change, etc, vis-a-vis the real or perceived social interactions we have and the opinions we think others have about us. It's interacting with the beliefs we have, interacting with why people do behaviors, what social incentives and disincentives and other barriers they have to doing something. This is not about changing belief, but behavior.
I took three practicums in this shit in college, I fucking love it.
And so it hit me like a truck when I realized I believed that Biden was a literal fascist and rapist (WE'LL FUCKING GET TO THAT PARTICULAR ONE LATER) almost entirely because of the techniques that I had mostly seen utilized to get people to use less water and electricity, to attend a city council meeting, or recycle.

Social Expectations

What were these techniques? The ones I was most interested in were primarily based on establishing social expectations. In the context of recycling, it's things like depicting people who litter as irresponsible and uncaring, encouraging people not to leave the lights on when they leave their house since it looks wasteful and silly to do so.
These influences can be incredibly pervasive while remaining subtle in how they function. If you get the owner of every coffee shop in your town and also the public library and elementary school to have up a poster or sign about some issue, you aren't actually convincing people to do anything by the sign's presence and ability to be read alone.
The purpose of the signs is to show that the owners of the shops care, the members of the community care, the people you interact with care. In short, it gives you this subtle influence of thinking people around you care about it and are willing to say so and encourage others to do so publicly. It is expected that others will push it, encourage it. And then, you feel a little weird if you aren't doing it. Ever smoked a cigarette, drank a beer, hit a joint, that you didn't fully want to but still felt like it'd be socially best to? Ever donated to a charity you know nothing about and felt briefly indecisive on but then you thought of what the sad child in the picture would think and feel if you said "No, you're not worth three dollars?" It happened to you. It does every day, every time an ad plays on how cool a person in it is, every time sometime references a group identity while making a statement.
If you're an unethical propagandist, it can take the form of banning anybody who says a single positive word about Joe Biden from your community, or even anybody who thinks that any of the most hyperbolic critiques are absurd. Harassing people who don't fall in line, who express opinions outside of the explicitly approved list, etc. Again, this doesn't influence the people being shouted down. *It encourages onlookers who agree with the people acting this way to also act this way, to become more extreme." If someone sees that people who disagree get treated like garbage and they start getting hooks in this community, they start needing to believe it.
These methods are most effective on people that are already strongly in favor of something and need reinforcement to go actually do a behavior, OR people who are currently apathetic BUT are in a social context where people care about it and encourage others to do so as well. The effectiveness increases if they're emotionally vulnerable, if they're lonely and detached, if they don't feel super strongly about anything and are looking for meaning, all that. Effectively, people who are more vulnerable to outside influence are more vulnerable to everything that comes with it, and resultantly to the places they spend most of their time.

My Own Experience On Chapo Before I Was Really, Really, REALLY into it

I've never been good at social interaction, have been Very Online since I was 13. I was an autistic trans kid at a conservative rural school with weird body language and loads of sensory issues, I understandably couldn't really interact with most of my peers very well.
In short, at this point in my life I felt like a dejected loser. I browsed a lot of online communities, made a lot of friends, felt better but drifted away from a lot of them from time to time, and in waxing and waning periods of more and less contact, I'd substitute that empty time with content. When Bernie showed up, it became boatloads of lefty content. A bit unclear on my timeline but it was people like Kulinski, Piker, TYT, all of "breadtube" from 2015 to midway through 2020.
This is tbh a bit embarrassing to admit given how I feel about it in retrospect, but...
I posted there fairly obsessively, or I should say browsed. Constantly. It was the first link in my bookmark bar and I clicked it a lot. I loved Chapo. I made a lot of comments far down in threads pulling "dunks" on people who were part far right fascists picking fights but also with a lot of people who were just frustrated with a hundred thousand jackasses larping in unison about their correctness. It was all about being the cool person, getting the approval, acting in a way that made me "good" by the standards set there.It didn't matter what the views I was arguing with were, it just mattered that I was right, and that they were wrong.
The Democratic Primaries were happening. Bernie started to lose. People started being massive doomers about everything. My mental health was in the gutter. I was withdrawing from friends I had in real life, I was a bit agoraphobic, all that.

My Breaking Point: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love their LARP

I will now put another TW and spoiler warning here as it is a description of bad, bad things an ex did that provide context but aren't strictly necessary to understand the post: The Tara Reade story broke. I had recently broken up with an incredibly horrifying ex, just a legit user. Most of my friends are convinced that she was a sociopath. She did deep and fundamentally violating things, both to my mind and body. She abused the fact that we were both trans women who had been abused to make me trust her to handle things. She had broken my ability to process a lot of my preexisting emotional issues without her, and she added a tat to my body that I won't describe here, as it is distinctive enough that you could identify me with it, as well as policing my body and behavior. I was violated a lot of times. That is all that needs to be said on her. Don't tell me if you do this, but dig back in my account to see my breakdown laid out in real time a year ago as I talk about everything happening, as well as some of what happened in my childhood that she took advantage of.
I was traumatized, as a result of what had happened to me, and I was re-traumatized by believing that the presumptive nominee of the Democratic ticket was someone that did things that awful. Chapo banned ANY dissent. If you mentioned anything pro-Biden or establishment or even fucking pro-lesser evil voting to avoid climate apocalypse death, you got banned.
A lot of the initial outrage was around this intercept article:
And around the Soundcloud interview you can find by doing a ctrl+F for Katie Halper in that intercept article.
My opinion on the Tara Reade case now is that it's a blatant fabrication. The story changed over and over, every time to change a detail to look worse for Joe Biden or to make the story look credible again once a prior detail was shown to be false. Every witness who isn't personally connected to her denies the revamp of her story that makes it a full on sexual assault accusation. She has constantly and consistently lied for personal gain throughout her life and claimed to respect and admire the efforts of Joe Biden until 2019, changing a story she held stable for decades.
Here's a writeup that sums it up pretty well:
I was depressed, traumatized, etc, and as such, I was incredibly vulnerable to influences. People in my life would get really concerned if I was browsing Chapo at all while I was talking to them because it kept sending me spiralling over my trauma, but I just couldn't stop going for it. Drowning myself in it. I was desperate to perpetually re-open the wound. I was falling away from everything. Friends. Religion. Relationships. My hobbies. My schoolwork. I barely passed my last semester, which was also mid-pandemic. Obsessively online.

My Part In Perpetuating This

After I got really deep in the shit, I got aggressively online. I got into arguments with literally hundreds of people about Joe Biden's rape accusations, across 3 or 4 platforms. I had it pushed into me that everyone who believes Joe isn't a literal monster is evil or ignorant and must be castigated or converted. I don't know how many people I convinced of this position but I do know that it's higher than 0. Than 5, 10. I turned this argument into part of my identity, as part of the way I dealt with and took power back from my abuser, and was treated with praise for doing so by a lot of people! I made compelling personal arguments about not voting out of protest for this man who I thought was as awful as the fucking literal sociopath who was manipulating me for years.
I privately encouraged a few other people to use me as a rhetorical weapon. To say "my friend was assaulted and is personally hurt by the concept that people who claim to support her and people like her will vote for Joe Biden." I had a sobbing breakdown the next time I was alone when my father didn't instantly buy it because "you know what happened to me."
I was making the social context and expectation manifest. By my aggression in establishing the expectation that people hate Joe, by letting others use me as an emblem of it, I was pushing it

Digging Out

This isn't the main point of the post, but I was asked elsewhere about it, so I should include here.
I dug out by improving my mental health, getting in contact with my non-dipshit-extremist-circlejerk supports again, getting back in therapy, doing things to feel self efficacy.
Also I watched a whole lot of Destiny videos and debates about leftism, and had a few people in my personal life talk to me about policy. (Lmao I'm still banned from Destiny's sub for being a former chapo user and they never respond to the unban request)
Watching people actually discuss concepts, especially people I used to look at as respectable or intelligent, and to see them get ripped apart was kind of a wake-up call. A big, big point in me realizing this was his debate with Pxie about the Tara Reade accusations, and how when I slowed down to look at everything I really, really didn't have a good reason to feel as strongly as I did other than other people encouraging me to.
Getting back into other hobbies, into religion, into other things I just enjoy engaging with and that actively improve my life, pulled me back from the edge of becoming just an ideologue.
I've stopped talking to a lot of the people who were my friends then. They were too committed to the bullshit. They were too mean to people who were outsiders, and I was one then. If you start expressing genuine doubt, pulling away, they'll either try to pull you in or kick you out if it's not working. Actually discussing the reality of the situation was a taboo. I don't know if it works for all other people like this but if people try to choose what I can and can't say for me it freaks me out. When I just said the same things they did I didn't notice.


Another part of how I managed to get out was that one day I woke up and Chapo was just fucking gone. I was unironically weirdly aimless and listless for the next 3 days whenever I had downtime. I wasn't able to do my usual habit of triggering my PTSD by reading shitposts about Biden's evil or fake outrage about nonsense. I literally HAD TO do something else. There wasn't another place quite like Chapo, it had a unique vibe, a unique sense, a unique humor, and without it the aesthetic core of the bullshit I believed in was gone and my attachment to the issues Chapo cared most about slowly started to wane.

Miscellaneous Examples Of Establishing Social Expectations

I'm going to include here a few really obvious examples of people trying to clumsily make it so people think the only opinion it's acceptable to say it there.
Here's a TYT video about Amy Klobuchar where they lie and claim she said the opposite of what she did!
You see, they claim that anyone that agrees with her opinion is trying to "dumb their way out of helping Americans" and "just suck, just suck."
Her actual claim was that Trump showboating by threatening a veto on the 600 dollar checks when 2k checks weren't on the table was a threat to people because getting 600 dollars sucks less than getting 0 dollars, and getting continued unemployment is more relevant to a LOT of the people most affected by the pandemic.
By forcing the expectation that anyone who agrees with Klobuchar hates you and wants you to suffer, you make it so anyone who agrees with her gets attacked instantly.
My next (this time timestamped!) example is Bri Joy-Gray debating Sam Seder about "Force the Vote," which I am including because it is content explicitly by and for the left, and Bri, as a former media director, is incredible at bowling people over rhetorically with performative outrage.
She is supposed to be talking to Sam Seder about the merits of forcing a Medicare for All vote by holding up the speakership. They both agree that the fundamental goal is to get a shared policy across. What does she do? She starts denouncing the way that Sam is unwilling to focus on the fight for the right of millions of people to healthcare. They already agree and she is both affecting strong emotion and acting unnecessarily aggressive at him claiming that trying to get your dream policy vote with a contingent of 6 people is probably unwise. She is again an example of creating and pushing an expectation that disagreeing makes you bad, and strongly agreeing makes you good.
The biggest whopper though, came recently. I don't need to give a single link because if you look at a single video on left youtube about stocks from a week ago, everybody I saw on the fucking PLANET but Destiny's stream and here were desperately promoting the working man's retail investment revolt, how it was fighting the man, getting one up on the big guys, and robinhood shutting down trades was just them STEALING IT from us. So I will link you one tweet in particular that epitomizes it.
Robinhood got the billion so it could OPEN UP TRADING AGAIN. Kyle is directly stating the opposite and follows it up by complaining that the critiques of him are pathetically stupid and need to try harder. If someone actually respected him and saw these takes they'd probably end up having some unpleasant kneejerk responses, and push them in casual conversation, pushing the cycle further.


Deplatforming people who spread misinformation in an inflammatory and manipulative way that actually screws people over generally does at least some good.
I might crash and go to sleep soon, but I will respond to anything when I wake up and for as long as I'm still up, though I can't promise the ability to go in deep on some of the stuff. But being able to identify when the driving force behind a political argument is social influence can be broadly useful to consider in understanding how a lot of beliefs spread.
edit for grammar.
submitted by GoHealthYourself to neoliberal [link] [comments]

GME: Next Steps

I've gotten more than a few DMs so I just want to offer my thoughts in a larger setting. I apologize for wasting others time and space.
Background: MBA w/+20 years including stints in Investment Banking, Equity Research, VC and Corporate. ( = I know enough to be dangerous.)
Should I invest tomorrow?
I would invest with the understanding that you're playing a high risk/high reward game vs. the best on Wall Street (WS) who aren't accustomed to losing. (Hell, you put a 50% dent in one of the most high profile HFs on the Street.) Reddit/WSB (WSB) is beating WS at its own game and WS will not accept that. The reason that I would still buy shares is because I'm perfectly comfortable waiting out the shorts, who I believe didn't cover entirely based on some sketchy trading volumes and price action on Thursday known as ladder attacks, which is basically artificially lowering a security's price by selling it back and forth between two parties. (Note: the WSJ is reporting that Melvin closed their positions at a loss of 50% to the fund. Maybe they did, though I don’t trust Melvin or the WSJ. Regardless, I have no doubt that other HFs are salivating at the short opportunity given where GME shares are currently trading.)
The key is the somewhat unreliable short data which comes out next week. As I mentioned in a previous post, getting accurate short data is next to impossible. It makes polling data look flawless by way of comparison. It has gotten to the point that I don't believe anything I read because there is not only time lag but synthetic longs and ladder attacks all of which serve to obscure the data. No firm wants it positions known so there is a strong incentive to obscure/hide the data. Another reason why Melvin publicly releasing its positions is just highly unusual/odd.
I would also be aware that a lot of HFs are making bank off the GME volatility by selling options and taking long positions. Just look at thetagang. The group is making their entire investment decisions based solely on the option premium without any concern for the underlying narrative to the point where they're short GME puts at the 200 strike. (And they think WSB is full of retards!)
To use an analogy, I'm a lifelong Giants fan who put a $1,000 down on the Giants beating the Pats in the 2008 Superbowl. The Pats went undefeated all season and the Giants entered the playoffs as a wildcard. The bookie even told me when I placed the bet that I was just throwing away my money. I bet the money line, i.e., no points, and ending up winning $5,000. The bookie just smiled at me when I handed him my ticket. Sometimes you just gotta trust your gut and stay loyal to your instincts no matter what others think. It's what separates the men from the boys.
TLDR: It’s a cliché, but don’t invest in GME what you can’t afford to lose. At this point, you're going against some very powerful hedge funds, i.e., the Pats in 2008. That said, WSB already scored a very impressive victory and is retarded enough to not realize how good their competition really is (just like the Giants in the Super Bowl).
How will the media portray the narrative?
The media have already started spreading the narrative that WSB is going to cause a financial collapse rather than the true culprits, namely, the HFs which leveraged up 5x to short 120% of a company's shares outstanding setting the stage for an infinity squeeze, which is the financial equivalent of a nuclear chain reaction. I mention this because the greatest risk IMHO is government intervention to quell the markets when the HFs start unloading positions to meet margin calls and borrowing costs. Nobody will lose sleep over a few billionaires losing a few commas in their net worth but hitting 401Ks, pension funds, and endowments is a different story. The official narrative will involve large commercial banks which loaned Melvin and other HFs billions to leveraged up with. These banks are regulated by the SEC and FDIC because they hold commercial deposits. When the narrative shifts from Melvin and HFs to names you recognize, e.g., JPM, BofA, Citi, rest assured the game is almost up. My guess is we're in the seventh or eighth inning of this game before it's stopped.
When people ask me about WSB I first discuss the HFs who created the conditions and then secondly note that thankfully we're dealing with a relatively small company in GME with a market cap of $20bn (so far!) compared to a company in the S&P 500, which is the basis for index funds and portfolio construction. In short, WSB did everyone a favor by calling attention to such a disastrous scenario in as optimal circumstances as possible. We should be very thankful WSB alerted the public to a systematic flaw in the financial system before a much greater meltdown occurred.
TLDR: The media are the PR firms for Wall Street. They exist to promote a narrative and receive access and compensation in return. They have no interest in reporting how the retail investor is being swindled. In contrast WSB did everyone a favor by pointing out a very serious systematic flaw in as optimal fashion as possible. This is the truth and the message that needs to be heard.
What’s the next step?
FINRA releases short data next Tuesday, February 9th for the period ending this past Friday, January 29th. Roughly 700mn GME shares changed hands last week or 10x the total shares outstanding so I'm pretty sure the short interest (SI) has fallen below 100%. However, I expect it to still be well above 50% given the typical HF’s risk appetite by which I mean they expect the retail investors to run for the exits sending shares back to $20-ish levels. I would love to know the borrowing costs for these firms because it basically tells you how long they can wait before such costs negatively impact their returns. My guess is until March when they have to report 1Q results to investors.
TLDR: Short data will show a decrease in SI, which is not necessarily a bad thing but it’s important to note that the risk/reward profile of the trade has moved.
How much good did this GME trade really do besides transfer a lot of wealth?
A heck of alot. At a minimum, WSB drew well needed scrutiny to the role of option clearings firms such as Citadel* and Wolverine, i.e., the shadow economy, and their dual roles as market makers and hedge funds (players and referees). This screams conflict of interest. A revolution doesn’t happen overnight but this is another step forward in demonstrating how rigged the game is against the retail investor and guy in the (Main) street. Our regulatory agencies exist to enforce transparency and fairness. WSB has demonstrated that the derivatives market and particularly short selling lack both and have the capability to cause a financial panic. And of course, there is the unbelievable amount of charitable donations from WSB gains which prove who the real Robinhood is. (Sorry, couldn’t resist).
TLDR: Sunlight is the best disinfectant – Justice Brandeis
For the questions below and messages:
As I tried to communicate in the write-up, I would characterize the trade as more risky than a week ago when the SI was above 100%. I have no doubt many shorts have since closed. That said, I suspect the SI is still well above 50% given where the stock is and typical HF risk appetite. This is not a trade for your parents or grandparents.* There is serious risk here that the share price collapses based on who the counterparties are and the lower SI. That said, I still like it and I'm in it. IMHO, it comes down to a game of chicken in the sense of who is willing to hold longer. HFs have investors to report to in 1Q vs. WSB who have bills, rent, and life to deal with. As my old coach would say, who wants it more.

submitted by sorengard123 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

A Guide to The Weeknd's Discography

Since The Weeknd is performing at the Super Bowl Halftime show, I thought it’d be nice to post a little guide to his discography for anyone interested in looking to do a deep dive into his work. I would’ve posted this the day of the event, but I assume that some people would probably like to go through it over the weekend.
This shares a direct overview of his released material, talking about his career and the background of the music, the videos, the meanings and all. I’ve written this from a pop perspective, keeping in mind that his history might be fairly new for general pop fans.
I also go into the storyline of the red suit character, if your interested in catching up on that narrative before the Halftime show (which will continue the story), I’ve listed the chronological order below followed by an explanation of that narrative.
I wanna be clear that the interpretations/theories are not conclusive. Abel rarely shares the metaphors or meanings behind his music. This is based on widely based on fan discussion/mutual interpretation. Fans can feel free to expand on anything in the comments.
It is important to know about Abel's backstory to get a certain perspective of where he’s coming from, especially when discussing the songs that deal with substance abuse. These recent articles cover his early years really well and share an up-to-date point of view of his success.
Variety 2020
Billboard 2021 - Also a good source for getting to know his team.
So, an essential TL;DR is this: Abel Tesfaye came from a broken home, he was born to Ethiopian immigrant parents who split up when Tesfaye was less than seven. He then lived with his mother and grandmother, only rarely seeing his father but having a nice impression of him. His drug addiction started as soon as he was a high schooler, he turned to shoplifting to pay for this need of various substances. Soon he dropped out of high school, leaving his home the same weekend, which would later inspire his stage name, The Weeknd. The name is reference/homage to the weekend his life changed.
Quick side note, I didn’t think this post would nearly reach the character limit. So I’ve cut out excess detail and lists of producers (with the exception of After Hours since we’re in that era).
Table of contents
  1. XO.
  2. House of Balloons.
  3. Thursday.
  4. Echoes of Silence.
  5. Trilogy.
  6. Kiss Land.
  7. King of the Fall.
  8. Beauty Behind The Madness.
  9. Starboy.
  10. My Dear Melancholy.
  11. After Hours.


XO is the record label that The Weeknd and co. created in order to publish the first mixtape (House of Balloons) and the ones that would follow afterwards. XO has a lot of meanings that have to do with what went into the music and what still goes into it. XO is what the fans call themselves, popularly with the phrase XO Till We OD (shortened to XOTWOD); another way of saying “we’re ride or die for The Weeknd and his team.”
While some argue that it could mean anything since there isn’t clear meaning to it, fans continue to associate the abbreviation with ecstasy (X) and oxycontin (O). That definition stems from XOTWOD, fans assume it’s true because of the team’s history of drug usage. While others take it as it’s classical definition “hugs and kisses” because of the consistent lyrical nature of The Weeknd’s songs.
Overtime the definition of XO is simply known as: the fans, the crew, and the label. The Weeknd is more than just one person, he comes with XO. For the sake of clarity in this writeup, I’m going to refer to his crew as XO and the fans as “the fans.”
XO still serves as a record label, the current roster is The Weeknd, Belly, Nav, and Black Atlass. It remains The Weeknd’s record label and was his first label before becoming a subsidiary of Republic Records.
Throughout his career, The Weeknd has worked with Illangelo, a Canadian producer who’s work the fans adore. Carlo “Illangelo” Montagnese was one of main the producers on The Weeknd’s Trilogy, he’s credited on each track. The fan base claims his work to be some of the most notable artistry in The Weeknd’s discography. Their work together continued with Beauty Behind The Madness, Illangelo worked on seven tracks for that album. He then returned for After Hours working on another seven tracks.
DaHeala, another Canadian producer, is another significant factor in The Weeknd’s music. Jason “DaHeala” Quenneville worked as lead producer on Kiss Land. He returned to work on six tracks for The Weeknd’s Beauty Behind The Madness, including the hit Earned It. DaHeala returned as a writer for six of the songs on Starboy. Then DaHeala worked on nine After Hours tracks, and worked as the only producewriter alongside The Weeknd for bonus tracks Missed You and Final Lullaby.

House of Balloons.

Didn't wanna make this NSFW, so here's the super clean edited cover
This is a happy house. We’re happy here. (House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls)
One of the most iconic title tracks of all time. House of Balloons is about a lifestyle of drugs, sex, and partying; all in effort to drown out self-doubt. It comes from a place of wanting to make it big while doing what you can to survive, all while pretending everything’s alright. The mixtape describes various sorts of women, how they’ve had impacted the life of someone who’s already down on his luck.
Fans often refer to House of Balloons as The Weeknd’s best work. The mixtape was the first introduction the world got of XO, and it was one hell of a way to make an impression. It’s personal for the fans and Abel because it’s the only piece of work known to be based on his life. At the end of the day he’s a songwriter, with many of his albums he creates scenarios and world that he likes to explore through the music. But House of Balloons is known to be based entirely on his life. It remains The Weeknd’s most critically acclaimed work.
House of Balloons was crafted through the influences of Hip-Hip/Indie-Rock with the main focus on R&B. Through the genius of Ilangelo, the record was—and is—mesmerizing capturing the essence of a lifestyle that The Weeknd described as “anti-everything.”
House of Balloons assisted The Weeknd in gaining the attention of Republic Records, which would then host The Weeknd’s own label XO. Though hesitant at first, XO decided to partner with Republic after the co-founding brothers Monte and Avery Lipman kept coming back to Toronto solely for The Weeknd.
House of Balloons received three videos, The Knowing, Wicked Games and Twenty Eight. The Knowing was the very first video The Weeknd made, so of course it’d be something other-worldly; it essentially reflects the song itself but in a sci-fi setting. Twenty Eight represents Abel’s life after fame but also his remorse of letting captivating women into his life.
Fun fact— House of Balloons is an actual place in Toronto, it was where him and his crew lived after he dropped out of high school. They’d host parties, call girls, do drugs, and to make it less depressing they’d fill it with balloons.


Valerie on the cover
Welcome to the other side. (Life of the Party)
Thursday consists of the same themes as HoB; sex and drugs. But there’s a twist, he’s in a semi-relationship with this girl Valerie. She’s the only one on his mind, even though they meet only one day of the week, any guesses on what day that could be? Through The Weeknd’s phenomenal voice and the insane production, we’re also presented with this story of a toxic relationship where Valerie used to have the upper hand but she no longer does when she falls for The Weeknd.
While Thursday isn’t entirely about the relationship of The Weeknd and Valerie, it consists of reflections to Abel’s life after the release of House of Balloons. The song Rolling Stone notably has a double meaning, in which Abel asks his fans if they’ll stick with him when he gets mainstream appeal and decides to change his sound.
The track Valerie wasn’t on the original release of Thursday, it added when Trilogy was released. Ending the mixtape with Heaven or Las Vegas meant that The Weeknd’s actions with and without Valerie were a result of his fatherless childhood, making him push anyone away. That meaning behind Thursday doesn’t change when Valerie is added to the track list, it just means that both want the toxic relationship back.
The Zone (feat. Drake) was the first feature The Weeknd had on any of his work, the video for it was released in November of 2012. Rolling Stone had also received a video in October of 2012. Both were directed by The Weeknd and reflect the two different aspects of Thursday. The Zone has Valerie living it up in the House of Balloons. And Rolling Stone has The Weeknd doing a photoshoot for Trilogy, reflective of the song itself.
Fun Fact— the female voice heard in Lonely Star is The Weeknd’s, he pitched his voice to make it sound like a woman’s.

Echoes of Silence.

Diana on the cover
Laisse tomber les filles. Un jour c'est toi qu'on laissera. [Leave the girls alone. One day it’ll be you they will leave.] (Montreal)
Out of a dark introductory into the early life of The Weeknd, Echoes of Silence is the darkest work of his Trilogy. Let’s be honest the story here isn’t entirely ethical at times but makes for one hell of a mixtape.
Similar to Thursday, Echoes of Silence follows a storyline. After accumulating success, The Weeknd gains the attention of various women. There was this one woman (D.D.) who he liked but she initially rejected him (Montreal). The woman came back to him for his fame status and evidently fell in love with him (Outside), but now that he’s got the upper hand he treats him like a groupie (XO/The Host) and lets... bad things happen to her; she’s gotta pass a test before she can get with him. This test is either drugs or his crew (Initiation). He ultimately tells this woman that he’s not exactly longterm-relationship material, perhaps because her love is temporary (Same Old Song), because he’s Next. With the end of Echoes of Silence (originally ending on the title track) the listener is left to wonder why The Weeknd left her if he’d simply want her to stay.
As a side note— Initiation should not be condoned. It remains true that The Weeknd is a songwriter and the progression of time has changed perspectives. But a song that makes such suggestions as Initiation should not be ethically/morally claimed or celebrated.
The mixtape follows The Weeknd’s lifestyle after he’s gained all this success, he’s still the same person but now he’s gotten everything he wanted. Some tracks such as The Fall continue to emphasize his journey into stardom and his acceptance of fame being temporary. With the added Till Dawn (Here Comes The Sun), The Weeknd acknowledges the changes in his life, realizing that the old lifestyle is no longer there for him or his past lovers.
Echoes of Silence is known as an underrated gem of The Weeknd’s discography, it’s well received by fans and critically acclaimed but often brushed under the rug in discussion of his work. A lot of fans and casual listeners play the mixtapes through Trilogy rather than their respective albums. This often leads to people not playing EoS either at all or only the first few tracks, this is predominantly due to the nature of the compilation being nearly three hours long.
Fun fact— D.D. is a cover of Michael Jackson’s iconic Dirty Diana. Fans have named the woman in Echoes of Silence Diana because of this track. Various theories argue that the mixtape itself is based on the Dirty Diana itself with exaggerations of the truth, or whether or not it’s a story The Weeknd crafted based on the song.


Rolling Stone video doubled as a shoot
You don’t know what’s in store. (High For This.)
Trilogy is a compilation of The Weeknd’s mixtapes, House of Balloons, Thursday, and Echoes of Silence. These three mixtapes were released 3-4 months apart from one another for free digital download in 2011, they gained quite a lot of attention from various industry executives.
Prior to the release of Trilogy, The Weeknd featured on Drake’s Take Care with Crew Love. The song was Abel’s first exposure to a Rap crowd/Rap fans, more people began listening to his music after the release of Take Care. The Weeknd then featured on Wiz Khalifa’s Remember You, which served as the second single off Wiz Khalifa’s O.N.I.F.C. Following those two releases, The Weeknd released Wicked Games as the first single off Trilogy.
Trilogy was formed after The Weeknd came under Republic Records’ management. The compilation album reached a debut/peak position of 4 on the Billboard 200 while reaching number one on the US Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. It’s a well received album with the highlight said to be House of Balloons, which arguably went on to influence various sorts of R&B music of the 2010s.
Videos for Trilogy

Kiss Land.

I went from starin' at the same four walls for 21 years. To seein' the whole world in just 12 months. (Kiss Land)
Kiss Land is based on The Weeknd’s tour life. Visiting unfamiliar places gave Abel horror movie vibes. A guy who used to own the city (Toronto) he lived in is now a small fish in the ocean of the entire world. The Weeknd’s first studio album was a great introduction into the sound he would soon get well acquainted with.
While continuing the R&B sound with the essence of Dark Wave, the album explores emptiness and regret throughout the lyrics—or what pop fans could categorize as dark pop—. The Japanese aesthetic used for various videos and the single covers/booklet reflects the themes of feeling overwhelmed by such a loud world that there’s no point in being if you don’t belong.
The album explores the real-world and the women in it as well as regrets regarding past actions, namely letting go of women who could’ve been the one in Adaptation. The Weeknd attempts to find that satisfaction in other women and past lovers, but accidentally falls for a sex worker in Belong To The World. With Wanderlust he accepts and expresses that love in the modern world isn’t entirely possible. While continuing to tour the world he enjoys these new experiences with XO (Live For feat. Drake), as well as the new women in his life (Kiss Land). And when he’s back home, he accepts the loss of the relationship he cherished.
Kiss Land debuted and peaked at number two on the Billboard 200. It was fairly acclaimed but gained a massive cult following. There were four videos for made for the album, the title track, Belong To the World, Live For (feat. Drake), and Pretty. Those four songs received interesting visuals that kept up with their respective themes while Belong To the World/Kiss Land got visuals that matched the aesthetic of the album. To this day fans ask Abel for a part two to the horror-movie-inspired album after he said it’s the only album he would have a sequel for.
Videos for Kiss Land
Fun Fact— The video for Kiss Land on YouTube is an extremely edited version of the actual video shot for the song. The directors cut further explores the erotic-horror themes if the album.

King of the Fall.

King of the Fall 2020 cover (even though I talk about three other songs here)
Driving by the streets we used to walk through like a triumph. (King of the Fall)
These next few song were released between the Kiss Land and Beauty Behind the Madness era. Some fans would classify them as part of the Beauty Behind the Madness era—I’d say the same tbh—but they stand apart on the basis of success and acclaim. It’s a transition between The Weeknd being an underrated R&B musician to being a mainstream artist with massive recognition and appreciation.
The first of these four songs is King of the Fall. A fan favourite and a standout in The Weeknd’s discography. This is one of The Weeknd’s few Rap tracks, it gained a lot of attention within the Rap sphere. It was the way in which XO would announce that they’ve made it, little did they know that this was just the start.
Prior to the release of Beauty Behind the Madness (BBTM), The Weeknd gained mainstream attention. The Weeknd’s exposure to mainstream music was uphill, it wasn’t overnight. The first taste of BBTM came from Often, a song that reflected the themes of sex that Abel was known for. The track was released more than a year before BBTM’s release and had made it onto the trackless unlike King of the Fall. Slowly but surely The Weeknd gained exposure, his main sources of exposure were through a collaboration and a soundtrack.
Most pop fans heard about The Weeknd through his hit collaboration with Ariana Grande, Love Me Harder. The collab was made through Republic when The Weeknd said he wanted more than what he had gotten through Kiss Land. Ariana and Abel had formed a real bond cough The Hills cough, their bond assisted the song in becoming a memorable hit for both artists. Love Me Harder was a top ten hit on the Billboard Hot 100.
Later that year, The Weeknd was featured on the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack with Earned It, as well as Where You Belong. Earned It became a massive hit peaking at 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 and receiving an Oscar nomination for The Weeknd; a massive milestone for XO. Earned It kept up with Abel’s signature lyrics but the production differed heavily from the sort of R&B he was known for.
Videos from that era

Beauty Behind the Madness.

I can hear this image
I'm that ***** with the hair singin' 'bout poppin' pills, fuckin' bitches, livin' life so trill. (Tell Your Friends)
Following the success of Love Me Harder and Earned It, the Beauty Behind the Madness era began with The Hills. This was The Weeknd’s first number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Along with the video, The Hills became an addictive classic. The production and lyrics mirror a mature version of the sound that was originally found on Trilogy. It was truly in keeping with The Weeknd’s character, the only difference was his haircut.
Next came Can’t Feel My Face, a Max Martin production that differed greatly from anything The Weeknd put out in the past. In past songs, Abel had expressed his fear of losing his following if he went mainstream simultaneously asking his fans if they’d stay. He repeats that sentiment in the Can’t Feel My Face video. The sound has changed, the lyrics stay the same but now he’s a pop-star. The song became a hit as it reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100. With this massive bop previous fans still stayed, The Weeknd becoming a pop singer didn’t at all alter his image or sound; he mastered it.
In The Night and Acquainted were released as singles on the same day, the were the only singles to come after the release of Beauty Behind The Madness. The former received a music video treatment that followed the theme of the song itself while also starring Abel’s girlfriend at the time, Bella Hadid. Acquainted was robbed of a video even though Abel had shown off the fact that a video was in development; the song kept in the tone of The Weeknd’s work prior to BBTM.
Beauty Behind the Madness captures a Hollywood-based reality that The Weeknd came to understand: the dark aspects of your life will continue to follow you wherever you are. Real Life, Losers (feat. Labrinth), Tell Your Friends, Dark Times (feat. Ed Sheeran), and Prisoner (feat. Lana Del Rey) all capture a nihilistic view of a dream achieved.
Most of the videos of Beauty Behind The Madness have a mysterious white man. He’s featured in The Hills, Can’t Feel My Face, and Tell Your Friends. That man represents the devil. Throughout his journey in those videos, (The Hills) Abel runs into the devil after his car crash, (Can’t Feel My Face) he’s at the club then lights him on fire. The significance behind the fire could be selling his soul to the devil, BBTM is about Hollywood and a popular Hollywood myth is that celebrities sell their souls to the devil in exchange for fame. So in the Can’t Feel My Face video, Abel changes his sound to Pop (from R&B) thus leaving his signature sound in order to become famous, everyone starts enjoying his music once he’s sold his soul.
Then we see The Weeknd burying himself in Tell Your Friends, perhaps leaving the old Abel behind after the deal with the devil. However, instead of thanking the devil, Abel takes his revenge and shoots him. But wait, there’s more! The album trailer for BBTM features the devil burning a billboard with The Weeknd’s face on it, revealing Beauty Behind The Madness. HOWEVER, the final cut for the video features the devil being arrested while The Weeknd watches. This is a more realistic form of karma that the devil gets.
Videos for BBTM


Filled with bops
If I could, I'd trade it all, trade it for a halo. And she said that she'll pray for me, I said, "It's too late for me.” (Ordinary Life)
After the massive success of Beauty Behind the Madness, there was a lot of hype around what The Weeknd would do next; evidently he decided to explore Pop. The fandom he had gained wasn’t entirely based in the Pop sphere, his fans consisted of general Rap fans, but Starboy attracted the Pop audience.
Initially, most of his older fans couldn’t get behind Starboy, it differed greatly from the previous sound. It was crazy to think that the guy who made Trilogy managed to make such a Pop-centric album. But this was Abel expressing his versatility.
Since this is where most pop fans found out about Abel’s work and became fans I won’t talk too much about the singles, rather more about the album itself. His work with Daft Punk cemented this album in an efficient mix between Pop and R&B, where Beauty Behind the Madness was more R&B with Pop, Starboy was considered Pop with R&B.
Beyond the genres, Starboy explores two evident themes. One being his life with fame and recognition. The next being his love life in Hollywood, this aspect of the album came from his relationship with Bella Hadid which ended after the release of the album.
The cross became the symbol for that era and appeared in the album’s photoshoot as well as the videos. There was never any conclusive word on the use of the cross but there are various theories about it, something to note is that Abel was raised Christian, it could perhaps be a reflection of his past.
The cross he uses to destroy his accolades (Starboy video) is assisting him rather than something that’s holding him back. Abel’s upbringing was rough but now he’s celebrating it rather than feeling bad for himself. The cross continues to come up in the Party Monster video, this time it’s in the party house he’s making his way through. Then it shows up in the video for Reminder, this time in the form of his merch, the people wearing it are perhaps representative of his fans. Then we see it in the False Alarm video, both Abel and the girl are wearing it; the notable thing being that Abel holds his cross up before dying. Then in the brilliant video for Secrets, after giving up on the girl he’s with he leaves the building to find a giant cross. And finally in the I Feel It Coming video, The Weeknd sports a shiny cross necklace, and Daft Punk find it years and years after Abel froze.
The videos tell us that the cross is an evident piece of his story. This could mean that his past will always be with him, no matter what sort of fame he’s experiencing he’ll always be who he once was.
Also, I’m gonna take this moment to once again the genius that is the Secrets (both the song and the video). Yes it’s my favourite song/video off of Starboy but it’s so underrated.
Videos for Starboy, Secrets video bottom right
Fun Fact— Most demos of the tracks on Starboy weren’t as pop as they became, they started off R&B but became pop after production.

My Dear Melancholy.

Note the comma
They said our love is just a game, I don't care what they say. But I'ma drink the pain away, I'll be back to my old ways. (Privilege)
Oof (but in a good way, this whole thing is a bop). For this one I’m gonna talk extensively about The Weeknd’s relationships, which personally feels really invasive but it’s but it’s essential when talking about these sad boy anthems. Beyond that I’d just like to state that though they are part of the narrative both Bella Hadid and Selena Gomez deserve respect/privacy.
So when it comes to Pop music fans I think it’s safe to say that we all know a lot about this one. My Dear Melancholy (MDM) came after the very public relationship of The Weeknd and Selena Gomez. However it’s not just about Selena, some songs reflect his relationship with Bella Hadid (whom he got back with a month after MDM’s release).
My Dear Melancholy consists with The Weeknd’s exploration/mastery of merging Pop and R&B together. The EP was praised by fans for its lyrics and production, many went on to theorize that it was his most personal project since House of Balloons. The EP was the shortest album to reach number one on the Billboard 200.
My Dear Melancholy and fan conspiracies; name a better duo. The first theory being that the EP is entirely about Selena Gomez which wasn’t too much of a mystery since the lyric “I almost cut a piece of myself for your life” exists. Not only did MDM come after Abel’s relationship with Selena Gomez but also after his relationship with Bella Hadid. As far as fans were aware those two relationships were the most important relationships Abel had ever been in.
In theory, the songs about Bella and Selena can be categorized. Call Out My Name, Try Me, and Privilege are likely about Selena. Wasted Times, and Hurt You are likely about Bella. Leaving I Was Never There to act as an introspective look into The Weeknd’s life, basically making him hop back on his vices for comfort.
Another popular theory was that My Dear Melancholy was the first of another trilogy. This rumour was widely believed due to the comma at the end of the title on the album cover. But the fans soon gained a real reason to believe this theory, since the CEO of XO (the record label), Sal had liked an Instagram post that featured the cover and alleged date. Since Trilogy is a fan favourite this conspiracy spread like wild fire, so much so that fake titles and covers were made. The name of this trilogy would be: (1)My Dear Melancholy, (2)We’re Alone Together, (3)Abel.
Only one song served as a single for the EP. Call Out My Name was released nearly two months prior to the actual release of the album, it debuted/peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100. The mysterious video captures The Weeknd in various atmospheric places that reflect the tone of the EP, a haunting yet unexplained reality that the listener is to reflect on.
From the cover, to the music, to the video, to lyrics, My Dear Melancholy is an introspective reflection of heartbreak.
Call out my name video

After Hours.

Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, etc.
My darkest hours. (After Hours)
After Hours comes after success but references two lows in The Weeknd’s life. The album welcomes darkness and leads the listener towards a dead-end. The Weeknd’s past two albums (Beauty Behind The Madness and Starboy) ended on hopeful notes, they left the listener with a sense of hope but all hope his lost with After Hours.
Fans compare After Hours to House of Balloons—a rare occurrence considering House of Balloons’ acclaim—arguing that both albums are on the same level. Debate continues on whether or not both albums are on the same caliber. The belief that After Hours stems from reality does a lot to help its side of the argument.
The era began with Mercedes-Benz commercial that featured Blinding Lights, that was our first taste of the everlasting bop. Heartless was premiered on an episode of Memento Mori hours before its release on the 27 of November (2019), Blinding Lights was released two days later. Both videos were as brain melting as promised and the served as the tip of the iceberg.
After Hours was released nine days after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, there was a massive risk in releasing an album that would not have a lot of promotion after it’s release (other than magazine coverage). There was no telling whether or not people would pay attention to the album during the height of the fear surrounding the pandemic, but it was a massive success. After Hours debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, with singles Heartless and Blinding Lights topping the Billboard Hot 100.
The album is layered with haunting productions that remains predominantly R&B but dives deep into Pop with some of the tracks. Max Martin produced the massive hit Blinding Lights as well as In Your Eyes, Save Your Tears, Hardest to Love, and Scared to Live which samples Elton John’s Your Song. Other notable producers include Metro Boomin who worked on the hit Heartless as well as Escape from LA, Faith, and Until I Bleed Out. With Kevin Parker on the interlude Repeat After Me.
Beyond the production are the narrative driven lyrics. In theory the album references two significant events in Abel’s life, his second breakup with Bella Hadid and his arrest in Las Vegas. The latter was due to his misbehaviour; in January 2015 he punched a cop in Vegas, lmao. Which means that After Hours is a recollection of The Weeknd’s first few years in LA. He merges the concept of his breakup with the idea of being an upcoming star, feeling free in the city of lights all while diving deep into the meaninglessness of those lights.
While After Hours starts with loneliness and a second chance it leads up to Abel returning to his vices of lust. In Alone Again his loneliness caught up to him and he’s asking for a second chance. He acknowledges his mistakes and situation in Too Late/Hardest to Love, in Scared to Live his ex then returns to him for a second time. He remembers his past ways in Snowchild and the way in which it lead to better days, but where do you go after such highs? In Escape From LA he faces the superficial reality of Hollywood, glad that he got that he got back with his ex, while continuing to question if it’s worth it. But he fucks up the second chance when she pulls up to the studio.
Who is she? Much like the other mysteries surrounding The Weeknd’s music, we may never know. Is it all more of The Weeknd’s songwriting ability or is it driven by reality? Fans found a merge between the two to be more accurate, After Hours is about heartbreak and a return to the vices that held The Weeknd back.
Heartless is when The Weeknd is once again back to his ways, he may have been in a serious relationship but after throwing that away he spirals back to the way he once was. It’s sad but it’s one hell of a song. Speaking of brilliant songs, Faith is when Abel admits that he’s back on his vices, he states that he needs his ex back with him till the end; he’s back to self-loathing.
So when he says he’s blinded by the lights, there’s two meanings to it. The Faith outro tells us that he’s in a car with flashing lights, a cop car (as confirmed by Abel) to be exact. Then Blinding Lights tells us that while he’s watching the bright lights of Vegas pass him by he calls out for the girl that he regrets losing. That is the peak of the After Hours narrative. He’s behaving badly over the loss of the girl he loved and is now at the worst position trying to find her and gain her trust for a third time.
Following Blinding Lights is In Your Eyes, this is where The Weeknd vows not to judge her; he can see right through her but will never do anything to make her upset. Does this mean their back together? Not exactly. Save Your Tears details a sort of moving-on that The Weeknd isn’t ready for but tries to help her move on, blind to his own inability to move on. Does it work? Not really. Repeat After Me (Interlude) shows that he’s still trying to convince himself that he’s unfazed by the loss of a meaningful relationship.
Then you hear a true masterpiece. The title track is a spiral into true regret and an apology for his actions, he admits that his ex girlfriend is the only reason he lives. In a dark lonely city she’s the only one keeping him sane. But his pleas fail, Until I Bleed Out is when The Weeknd no longer wants her in his life so much so that he wants to erase his memory of anything related to her. The bonus tracks then echo the final sentiment.
It’s one sad ass album, ain’t it. But here’s where the Red Suit Character comes in.
Shoutout to the makeup department
The album isn’t the only narrative to follow with After Hours. The videos for the album follow their own sort of narrative. The story follows an unnamed guy that goes by “red suit character” according to The Weeknd.
There’s a lot of confusion and endless theories surrounding this character’s story, after The Weeknd confirmed that it’s about a decent into Hollywood culture it makes more sense… kind of. I’m gonna discuss the storyline without talking about the movies that have influenced it, this way the focus remains on the character.
The order of these videos is Heartless / Blinding Lights / Blinding Lights (Live on Kimmel)* / After Hours short film / In Your Eyes / Until I Bleed Out / Snowchild / Too Late / Live at AMAs* / Save Your Tears
*Though all live performances could count as part of the narrative, these one relate directly with the videos that follow.
He’s is first seen in Vegas with Metro Boomin (Heartless), intoxicated on various substances. He dives deeper into his high until he licks a frog, after that he faces the true effects of this high. He’s frightened by the result and runs far away from Vegas. (Blinding Lights) He’s then found in LA, where he’s dancing in the street, hypnotized by the singer, beat up by guards, and races past all those bright lights in his Benz. Ultimately realizing the shallowness of the Los Angeles fantasy.
(Blinding Lights Live on Kimmel) We then find him performing Blinding Lights live, while he attempts to find more reason in within the madness city; he couldn’t find it on the streets so he goes to the stage. (After Hours short film) Even then there’s no meaning to anything in the city, he mindlessly wanders into the depth of the subway where he’s dragged by the reality of it all and ends up possessed. (In Your Eyes) After being possessed he chases the woman whose boyfriend he just murdered, she runs into a club falls deeper into the After Hours fantasy, in a successful attempt to defend herself she beheads the red suit character and dances all over LA with his head, iconic behaviour.
(Until I Bleed Out) Then in an ethereal dreamscape, red suit character finds himself in a House of Balloons. He’s trying to escape, but the people there keep pulling him in; he’s getting higher while observing Glass Table Girls. He spirals into the antarctic, the other side of the world. From Heatless to this point in his story, his vices lead him back to the lowest point in Abel’s life. Is it Hell, Heaven or Las Vegas? (Snowchild) He relives his career up until the point where his story began. Considering he’s dead, his life basically flashed before his eyes.
(Too Late) LA girls find the red suit character’s head and live their best life. They wanna have sex with him so they find the best boy parts by calling up a stripper who could be the body. The stitch the head up with the body and do what they want. But now he’s brought back to life. (Live at AMAs) He’s had work done… He went in to get his nose fixed and the doctor said “you sure that’s all you want?” The red suit character’s face is healing while he tries to celebrate his life on top of a bridge.
(Save Your Tears) Surrounded by a masked cult he debut’s his new face. Do they like it? Are they impressed? Not instantly, their masks translate no expression so how’s he to know? Is any of this worth it? Nope red suit character continues to die inside. He finds a maskless girl in the crowd, she’s lively unlike the rest; but even then, nothing on the inside nothing on the outside. He wants death again, somehow a second chance with this city is still pointless. He tries to kill himself via the girl and himself but it’s all a facade; theatrics.
His story continues but that’s all we know so far.
The videos make a lot of film references. This post by explain these references very well, as well as past album references here (part one) and here (part two).
After Hours is inspired by a lot of movies, since Abel is in fact a cinephile. The main movies that inspired the aesthetic and storytelling are believed to be Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), Casino (1995), Joker (2019), Uncut Gems (2020), and After Hours (1985). The album tells two sad narratives but remains one of The Weeknd’s best works yet. He’s expanded his videography and enhanced the interest of people who casually enjoy his music and of course his fans.
But the era isn’t over, by the time this is posted his Super Bowl Halftime show is yet to happen. And it’ll continue the red suit character’s story.
Videos for After Hours (so far)
Fun Fact—The Heartless video features a reference to Thursday. When he’s trying to run from Vegas, a sign behind him flashes “Heartless / Heaven or Las Vegas.” This could be a reference to Abel running from his past, after all Heartless is about him returning to his vices.


Thank you for reading this, again, I didn’t realize it would end up being this long. But I hope this this served as a nice refresher for any fans who wanted to revisit Abel’s work before the Super Bowl.
And I really hope that anyone interested in getting into his music finds this helpful. Once again, the theories/interpretations mentioned aren’t conclusive, they’re widely based on fan discussion/mutual interpretation.
Due to the character limit I couldn’t add too links to the albums, so here are some artist links.
Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | The Weeknd’s Shop | Tidal | Genius
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NrdRage’s Friday DD: There’s still one meme stock that’s not dead yet. I present to you The Curious Case of Benjamin Butto....err Black Berry. ($BB)

Listen up reta.....err, I mean memelords. I know we’ve all moved on from the meme era into the weed era (and hopefully people stick around that one due to the fundamentals for a while, but if not....) and soon to be a redux of the vehicle era, but there’s one meme stonk we need to have a real, honest heart-to-heart about (and hey, it even ties into cars): Let’s talk about Blackberry ($BB)

First, let’s get some misconceptions out of the way:

Blackberry was never a short squeeze stonk, even though it ended up getting roped in with the other squeezers we were denied squozing because of Wall Street cheating. A lot of people thought it was and that’s simply not the case. Blackberry was, is, and always will be, a phoenix rising from the ashes story, nostalgia peppered with functionality. You know, kind of like how you sometimes go watch some classic porn to beat off to and don’t stop to think about the fact that the actress is now in her 60’s and probably has super saggy tiddies.
Next misconception: It’s not a Boomer mobile phone company. They don’t make phones anymore – phones that are branded with their logos are made by another company that pays licensing for the logo and some of the patents. Blackberry sold all their mobile patents months ago.
Third misconception: No matter how much we ask, they’re never changing their name back to Research in Motion so that we can talk about Rim-jobs. Sorry, just isn’t going to be a thing.
So what are they? It’s simple really: They’re now an enterprise level software security company. When you think about it, it’s not such a big pivot, given that their security encryption in their heyday was so powerful that they ended up having to set up offices in certain nations because it was impossible to crack and ran afoul of certain international laws.

Let’s take a dive into the financials before we get into the story:

At the time of this writing, BB is a 7 billion dollar company with shares trading in the $12.50 range. Even after the meme war collapse, they’re still worth double what they were when the ball dropped in New York City with absolutely nobody watching in person and everybody at home wondering why even Anderson Cooper was using an autotuner. They generate a hair over a quarter billion dollars in revenue each quarter over the last year and in 2020 had a negative EPS of about 32 cents a share as they retooled, though they trimmed that to .23 cents a share for their last quarterly earnings report. They have about a billion dollars in cash on hand and receivables, and they have about half a billion dollars in debt. It’s not a great fiscal outlook there, but it’s certainly manageable for a growth company (which is what they presently are).

Where do they make their money?

Almost half of their revenue is legacy income from selling endpoint management and secure communications licensing. A third of their revenue comes from licensing their patents. Oh, they also own Cylance, for you IT help desk monkeys.
That shit’s pretty boring, not gonna lie. Your wife’s boyfriend might find it interesting, but only because he can use it to laugh at you that you know this shit. But the rest? The rest is where things get interesting. Blackberry Radar is a fleet management solution, and the most interesting thing is....well, for that, we have to go back in time for a moment:

(Wayne’s World flashback/dream noises)….

July 29th, 2017. Las Vegas Nevada. 50,000 of the world’s most feared hackers descend upon Sin City for a weekend of debauchery, drinking, and talking about all the new and interesting ways they found to break shit or in general cause chaos - aka DefCon 25, which was NOT cancelled, contrary to what you might have been told. A young hacker from Wisconsin positively stuns everybody at a panel by revealing how it is that he found he could effectively hack almost every late model vehicle on the road that possessed connected features – from range and while the vehicles are in motion – theory. It’s an absolutely stunning revelation, something matched only by how terrifying the implications of it are. And all anybody needed was a $300 RF modulation tool. Using this, he found he could take control of every mass produced car on the market except those made by Volkswagen Group and Tesla, and those only because they had randomized frequencies they used. This guy fucked. This process was so dangerous that, for one of the only times in DefCon’s history, they didn’t publish the how-to publicly. Oh, and a team from a then relatively unknown EV company in China called $NIO won the car hacking capture the flag tournament in less dramatic fashion. If you didn't hear about any of this, it's because you were too much of a square to be there. Sucks to be you, chump. Something had to be done.

Enter Blackberry

I’ll spare you all the things that have happened since then, but what you need to know is this: Blackberry came up with a solution to defend against this and a myriad of other problems (not to mention Europoor compliance in the form of ISO 26262) not to mention autonomous security - and their security software suite (QNX) is now on almost every new car rolling off a factory line today. This software is also critical for EV’s, because it controls battery management ECU’s (that’s the shit that makes it so you don’t have to drop 10 grand on a new power plant every 2 years). Or, for those of you with IQ’s of 60: Computer make car gooder.

OK, so that’s cool. But how does this get me TENDIES, man? How much can these guys make?

They’re coy about this and won’t give hard numbers, but there are ways we can estimate what they’re pulling. But to do that, we need to go back in history again, and take a look at a stock nobody cares about

(More Wayne’s World noises)

Enter: Nuance Communications ($NUAN). You’ve probably never heard of these guys, but you and almost everybody you know has used their products at some point. They used to be best known for their Dragon Naturally Speaking software suite, which your grandparents who decided they were too old to figure out how to use a fucking keyboard bought so that they could talk to their computer and send you messages that you hated getting unless it came with a 20 dollar bill, but which they thought you cherished forever. However, at some point around 2010, IBM – whom the Nuance CEO at the time was close friends with the management of, literally just *gave* about 125 patents around voice recognition to Nuance thinking that they were worthless. Nuance took these patents and – for a brief moment – became one of the coolest techs on the planet, because their tech is what made Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, Samsung’s whatever it was called and a billion other voice recognition platforms work. That is, until Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Steve Ballmer, and everybody else Nuance was dumb enough to trust to let look under the hood of their secret sauce came along and all stole the IP to made their own platforms, leaving Nuance rotting in a hole in the desert. But one of the really cool things Nuance expanded into before they went full retard was they bought a couple of companies around 2013 or so– Tweddle and some other company I can’t be bothered to look up – and got into the connected car space. At one point, Nuance’s Dragon Drive virtual assistant was in every new car made by 9 of the world’s top 10 auto makers.

OK, dude, my wife’s boyfriend is asking me to bring him a beer. Can you speed this along? What does this matter?

It matters because we can look at what $NUAN was getting in licensing for putting their virtual assistant in these vehicles, and use that data to extrapolate an estimate of what $BB is getting for their software. With just their 9 car makers at their back, they were generating over 300 million dollars a year – and that was almost a decade ago, and just for something that would tell you where to pick up your Down’s Syndrome medication. Add a premium for security, include all the auto makers, carry the one, smoke a bowl to help you concentrate, adjust for inflation.....
This is a market worth about...oh, roughly 750 million dollars a year for Blackberry on the conservative side once they actually start charging a market rate for this product. Right now, they’re adopting the same go-to strategy Microsoft has been employing with Azure, which is to basically GIVE it away in order to gain market share and penetration, and then send Fat Tony to collect once the car maker is reliant on it. Plus all the other stuff we already glossed over because it’s boring as shit. Applying the average multiple of earnings for cybersecurity firms out there, their lack of competition in the space, etc. And you come up with a market cap valuation target of....oh, roughly between 45 and 50 billion dollars once they’re firing on all cylinders. And they don’t have to worry about Google or Apple throwing 10,000 engineers at this to make a competing product, because it’s just not worth it to them, so they’re largely gonna get left alone.
Or, by using maths....a share price of somewhere in the neighborhood of $87.50. Give or take 10 bucks. Make it 15 to the downside, just to be safe.

Yeah man! Cool. So I’m in. It’s gonna go to that by like, Friday or something?

An enterprise level cybersecurity company with a sub 10 billion dollar valuation is basically unheard of in this century. But this is not a burn play where you’re gonna get 50% gains every day with no work. It’s a company that’s going to have to melt up to that. It still won’t be to that point this time next year.
BUT....that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a great story. It just means that this isn’t something you do a 0DTE YOLO on and expect to get something out of. And making an Avengers meme about it isn’t going to send it to the moon. This is something you buy and stash in a musty corner of your portfolio so you can tell your Boomer parents that you’re being responsible with your investing and you were just joking about betting your inheritance on weekly FD’s for shitty online dating sites where the women have to talk to your sorry ass first. Oh, and it’ll make the lambo you buy with the money from this safer.
Because I know it matters, here are 69 rockets so you apes understand what all this meant., there aren't going to be any rockets. I lied.
Disclosures/Positions: I am long $BB, holding 100,000 shares @ $7.67 average and another 5000 January 2022 5c’s.

TL:DR: $87.50

All my love
-Chad Dickens
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Game Matchups Preview AFC Championship: Bills @ Chiefs

Before every Bills’ game I spend some time, probably too much time, digging into how the Bills’ roster stacks up against their opponent’s. While doing this I specifically look at 5 matchups; Bills’ Pass Offense vs. Opponent’s Pass Defense, Bills’ Rush Offense vs. Opponent’s Rush Defense, Bills’ Pass Defense vs. Opponent’s Pass Offense, Bills’ Rush Defense vs. Opponent’s Rush Offense, Bills’ Special Teams vs. Opponent’s Special Teams. After doing all of this I try to come up with reasons “Why We Will Lose” and “Why We Will Win” ultimately leading to a prediction. Below I present 2020’s 19th iteration of this analysis for the Bills’ upcoming AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME in Kansas City. Included is a scale to rank the advantage in each matchup from 👏👏👏👏👏 (Massive Advantage) to 👏 (Minimal Advantage).
NOTE: If you have followed this series all season long then you are well aware that these playoff posts are significantly longer. The increased length is intended to provide more details on the Bills’ opponent, including basic breakdowns of their offensive and defensive philosophies. If this is your first time reading this post and/or you are a Chiefs’ fan, feedback is always welcome!
Bills’ Passing Offense vs. Chiefs’ Passing Defense
In 2020 the Buffalo Bills have gone from “Lovable Losers” to one of the most feared franchises in the NFL. A team which just last season was considered one built on a foundation of a fearsome defense and a mobile Quarterback has undergone a shift in perception rarely seen in the NFL. Yes, that defense is still scary (More on that later) and yes, the man under Center can still run (Also more on that later) but the evolution of two players in particular have altered the way that opposing teams, and their fans, view the Buffalo Bills. The first some may consider the Bills’ 2020 1st round pick and since arriving in Buffalo has done nothing less than stake his claim as one of, if not the, best WRs in the NFL, Stefon Diggs. Diggs has beaten anyone and everyone in front of him collecting 6+ catches in 17 out of his 18 games totaling 141 catches for 1770 yards and 10 TDs. These gaudy statistics are just the tangible portion of what Diggs has brought to the Bills while the intangible is derived from his mere presence, which has ignited a swagger not seen in Buffalo since, well, ever. Throwing him the ball is a man that has been analyzed and critiqued ad nauseum, the newest member of the Fraternity of Franchise QBs, Joshua Patrick Allen. At 5,564 yards and 50 TDs Allen has entrenched himself in the top tier of QBs, a set of players that defensive coordinators look to contain as opposed to stopping entirely and though few achieve this level of NFL success note that doing so does not preclude them from the occasional rough stretch.
And that is exactly what happened to Josh Allen during the 4-game stretch from Week 5 to Week 8. In that span Allen, who would finish the regular season with a Passer Rating (PR) of 107.2, had a PR of just 79.2. This included a game against the Bills’ AFC Championship Game opponent, the Kansas City Chiefs, where Allen had his worst Completion % of the season (51.9%) and his second lowest PR (73.4). Many have pondered what the root cause(s) of these struggles were for a QB who now will likely finish Top-3 in MVP voting, and two causes tend to be consistently repeated. The first of these, the weather, can easily be debunked. Against the Chiefs Josh Allen’s adjusted completion % (Less Drops) was 56.0% while Patrick Mahomes who, played in the same weather, had an adjusted completion % of 91.3%. It’s hard to fathom that the weather was such a detriment to only one QB that it resulted in him being 35.3% less “accurate” than the other. The second is a bit harder to debunk and is actually backed by some “expert” testimony. Just 15 days earlier in a game against Las Vegas, Allen would be hit awkwardly while attempting to extend a play and suffer an injury to his non-dominant (left) shoulder resulting in what many believe to have been a grade 1 AC Joint sprain. An injury which takes between 4-6 weeks to heal fits the timeline of Allen’s 4 weeks of below average QB play and is even propped up by 3-time Pro Bowl QB Matt Hasselback agreeing that such an injury makes it more difficult for a Quarterback to deliver a pass to his target accurately. Out of these two I find the injury much more plausible but after going back and watching the Chiefs @ Bills’ game I find it hard to believe either of these were the primary reason for the Chiefs domination of the Bills’ passing attack. With that in mind the best explanation, and what I believe to be the most likely, is that Chiefs’ DC Steve Spagnuolo simply had a brilliant game plan which the Chiefs executed perfectly ultimately slowing down the air attack of the Buffalo Bills.
The Chiefs plan was simple yet concise, blitz from all different angles while disguising coverage pre-snap. They would finish the game with 14 blitzes sending a total of 26 blitzers, 12 from LBs (Hitchens, Wilson, & Niemann), 3 from CBs (Fenton & Breeland), and 11 from Safeties (Mathieu & Sorensen). This constant shift in the level extra pass rushers were coming from often left the Bills’ OL scrambling to recover resulting in their QB being pressured on a season high 35.5% of dropbacks (His season average is 20.7%). Simultaneously the Chiefs were mixing Man and Zone coverage schemes which often included a deep spy that was keying off Josh Allen’s eyes. Allowing the Chiefs to accomplish this was a secondary stacked with “Jack-Of-All-Trades” CBs and one of the better safety trios, yes trios, in the NFL championed by a possible future HOF. Charvarius Ward, Bashaud Breeland, Rashad Fenton, and L’Jarius Sneed are all capable of covering the X, Y, or Z allowing the Chiefs to conceal their coverages and trade off assignments at will. Breeland the most notorious and proficient of the three works with hands on his assignment in order to control their movement and was flagged a total of 9 times this season, 3 of which came against the Bills. Behind them is a trio of Safeties that make the entire defense click; Daniel Sorensen, Tyrann Mathieu, and Juan Thornhill, who is primarily used in Nickel sets which the Chiefs run north of 60% of the time. Sorensen is as close as you can get to a modern-day John Lynch, a hard-hitting safety with ball skills that allow him to effectively play Center Field on deep passes. Mathieu is the afore mentioned HOF hopeful and can play anywhere from the LOS to a deep prevent position. One of the most feared defenders in all of football expect the Honey Badger to spy Josh Allen more than any other player on the Chiefs and make a few highlight reel plays at Arrowhead Sunday night.
Ultimately this matchup comes down to two things, can the Bills OL recognize the blitz pre-snap and can the Bills’ receivers find holes in the defense. From the perspective of the OL they are vastly improved since their last matchup with the Chiefs with Ike Boettger replacing Brian Winters at LG and Jon Feliciano returning from injury to man the RG position. These two bring a physicality to the OL which was surely lacking prior to their arrival. At the receiver position there is a bit more concern with Gabe Davis a DNP and both Cole Beasley & Stefon Diggs limited as of Thursday night’s injury report. It is a near certainty that both Beasley and Diggs will see the field Sunday night, but the possible loss of Gabe Davis looms large. The good news for Bills’ fans is that this is the exact reason the Bills went out and got Kenny Stills so if Gabe Davis is truly a no go expect to see Stills for the first time in a Bills’ uniform. There are two more dark horse candidates for a big game through the air, WR Isaiah McKenzie and TE Dawson Knox. McKenzie has played just 12 snaps so far throughout the playoffs but is due for a push pass or two especially against a blitz heavy team like the Chiefs. As for Dawson Knox his size and athleticism may be too much for the Chiefs LBs to handle which would then require Daniel Sorensen to come down into coverage. This would keep Sorensen out of the box and free up more underneath routes for the Bills. As with every week it comes down to individual matchups and whoever wins theirs will win this one. P.S. Don’t forget about John “Smoke” Brown.
EDGE: Bills 👏 👏 👏
Bills’ Rushing Offense vs. Chiefs’ Rushing Defense
While the Passing Game for the Bills has evolved into one of the best in the NFL the running game has regressed to the bottom tier of the league. This ineptitude has reached new depths with the Bills’ Running Backs combining for just 71 rushing yards (Josh Allen has 57) over the first two games of the playoffs. For context, all Non-Bills’ Playoff games have featured at least one player with 75+ rushing yards. Bills Mafia has been aware of these struggles since early in the season and exorcised their demons by lighting into OC Brian Daboll after he “excessively” ran the ball against the Colts. The following week, against the Ravens, Daboll flipped the script handing the ball off just 1 time in the first half and 9 times total to RBs who combined for a Y/A of just 3.2. It is abundantly clear to not just the Buffalo Bills but every other team in the NFL that this Bills’ team is a pass first team however, some semblance of balance will be needed if they are to reach the full potential necessary to chase down the Lombardi trophy.
Dependent on the gameplan which the Chiefs employ, running the ball could be an important part of the Bills’ offense on Sunday night. If the Chiefs do force the issue the Bills will be contending with the 19th ranked team in Y/A that just gave up over 5.0 Y/A against the Browns in the Divisional round. Of course that’s a Browns’ team that has both Nick Chubb and Kareem Hunt who were running behind one of the best run blocking OLs (#6 Adjusted Line Yards) in the NFL however, the Browns success against the Chiefs does not necessitate similar results for the Bills’ Devin Singletary and T.J. Yeldon who are running behind an inferior run blocking OL (#15 Adjusted Line Yards). Making it even more unlikely that the Bills could find success with a similar style of play is that most of the Browns’ success came when running the ball between the tackles. On 19 RB carries the Browns had 7 that went for 5+ yards 5 of which came when attacking this area. This relied heavily on the Browns interior line controlling the opposing DTs allowing the runners to get to the second level.
There is a further problem with this plan of attack though and he goes by the name of Chirs Jones. The massive 5-year vet drafted in the 2nd round out of Mississippi St. is a rare talent in the NFL, a game wrecker that can alter the outcome of any week. When talking about the best DTs in the NFL you will often hear names like Aaron Donald, Fletcher Cox, and Cameron Heyward but outside of Donald, there may be no one better at the position than Chris Jones. For his massive frame, 6’6” 310lb, Jones possesses incredible quickness that provides him with a tool bag of moves that range from outright bull rushes to tight swim moves. Jones is a pass rush expert that often finds his way into the lap of opposing QBs but his consistency in disrupting the run is what makes him one of the best all-around defenders in football. A disruptive bowling ball next to him comes in the form of NT Derrick Nnadi who I would doubt exceeds 50% of the defensive snaps this week with the Chiefs likely electing to go lighter in an effort to further disrupt the Bills’ passing attack. This means you should expect to see significantly more of the Chiefs primary 3-man DE rotation in Tershawn Wharton, Frank Clark, and Tanoh Kpassagnon. Like their comrades in the secondary each of these 3 players can play multiple positions provided by their quickness to set the edge and the size and strength to stuff the middle making them nightmare matchups for contending offensive linemen.
This all leads to the consensus that whether it be Devin Singletary, T.J. Yeldon, Antonio Williams, Devonta Freeman, or even Reggie Gilliam the Bills will struggle to move the ball on the ground consistently, but they do have one X-Factor. That man is their rumbling bumbling 6’5” 240lb buffalo of a man, quarterback Josh Allen. In the last game against Kansas City Allen was able to account for 42 rushing yards on 8 carries often finding a corner to run to and beating the Chiefs LBs to the spot. The Chiefs have 3 good ones in Anthony Hitchens, Damien Wilson, and Ben Niemann who are all talented football players with large frames that allow them to handle extra blockers but that comes with a limitation to speed and quickness over the middle. The Bills will need to occasionally find success on the ground if they want to win the Time of Possession battle and all signs point to any success in the matter only available via one avenue, the legs of #17.
EDGE: Chiefs 👏 👏 👏 👏
Bills’ Passing Defense vs. Chiefs’ Passing Offense
The Buffalo Bills play one of the most difficult defensive schemes to master in all of football, the Palms Defense. At a very high level this Zone scheme is built on the coverage units’ ability to communicate and trade off players as they get deeper into their routes. Its effectiveness begins with its pre-snap deceit which some Quarterbacks will find difficult to identify but culminates post-snap where it is nearly impossible to determine where the reads and tradeoffs will occur. It is the defensive equivalent of the Zone-Read offense and flips the advantage to favor the defense. This scheme has been utilized since Sean McDermott became the head coach of the Bills in 2017 and has resulted in them finishing no lower in Passer Rating (PR) against than 6th since that point in time. Even the 2020 Buffalo Bills would finish the season 5th overall with a PR against of 86.9 which early in the season seemed like an impossible feat.
Up until the Chiefs’ game the Bills were being torched through the air with a PR against of 103.6. If that were to have continued for the entire 2020 campaign the Bills would have finished 29th in the NFL in this statistic. This reached its crescendo against the Chiefs where despite bailing out to stop the pass, and then getting gashed on the ground, the Bills still managed to give up a PR of 128.4. There was clearly something wrong with a passing defense that by all measures had regressed as much or more so than the Bills’ QB had progressed, so I sought out to determine what the issue was. After a quick re-watch of the Chiefs’ game I came to find that the Palms defense was breaking down repeatedly with no clearer example than Travis Kelce’s second touchdown reception. I won’t rehash the entire analysis (If interested read the beginning of Bills’ Passing Defense here) but the tradeoffs necessitated by Palms were failing at nearly every turn. Something happened after the Chiefs game though, and the Bills began to find a rhythm. In fact, they found such a rhythm that through the remainder of the season they would hold opposing teams to a PR of just 72.6 and have continued that dominance in the playoffs allowing one of just 78.9. This Bills’ team that spent the early part of the 2020 season struggling to stop inferior opponents from moving the ball through the air and is now the best remaining team at stopping it which could come in handy with the remaining playoff QBs being Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, and…
Patrick Mahomes. For the sake of this post I’m ignoring the “Will He, Won’t He” on whether or not he will play because I am fairly confident “He Will”. So, what is left to be said about Patrick Mahomes? Over the first few seasons of his career he owns just about every record a QB can own as well as an MVP award, a Lombardi Trophy, and a Super Bowl MVP. My definition of a “Gunslinger” Mahomes is willing to attempt any throw on the football field and can make any of those throws. As much as, if not more so than, Josh Allen, Mahomes’ excels when he breaks the pocket and the play falls apart leaving him to ad-lib with a slew of weapons and a well-coached offense that is able to take advantage of recovering defenders. Always the best player on the field, when Mahomes is on there is almost no stopping him and frankly, when he is off it’s still nearly impossible. The recipe for beating him is simply stated, and difficult to execute, the 1 or 2 throws a game where he misses his target, must be converted into turnovers.
This is in no way meant as a slight to Mahomes however, he has the perfect players around him that allow him to execute his game as he desires. On the one hand is Travis Kelce who may go down in history as the greatest TE to ever play the position and is, in my opinion, the best receiving threat to ever do it. In 2020 Kelce played just 15 games but broke the record for receiving yards by a TE with 1416 while raking in 105 catches and 11 TDs. The Bills attempt to limit him by alternating their LBs and Safeties onto him which results in the Bills spending more time in Big Nickel pushing players like Siran Neal onto the field more often. Next up is the man known as “Cheetah”, Tyreek Hill. Hill is one of the more disrespected on field talents in the NFL and statistically is right there with players like Stefon Diggs, Davante Adams, and DeAndre Hopkins. Better yet, Hill fits Mahomes in the same way Diggs fits Allen except as more of a home run threat that is going to consistently test Micah Hyde’s prowess as one of the best prevent safeties in the NFL. Outside of Hill and Kelce there are a ton of other weapons for this passing game to utilize. The speedy Mecole Hardman, the “Real Deal” Demarcus Robinson, and the Bills’ previous #4 overall pick Sammy Watkins. Pick your poison against this team but regardless the Bills’ CBs and especially their Safeties will have their hands full Sunday night.
EDGE: Chiefs 👏 👏 👏
Bills’ Rushing Defense vs. Chiefs’ Rushing Offense
The Bills’ rushing defense is coming off a game in which they may not have shut down the Ravens’ vaunted rushing attack, but they surely contained it. This was a Ravens’ team that led the NFL in Rushing Y/G at 191.2 and Y/A at 5.5 and managed just 150 yards at 4.7 Y/A against the Bills. How was Buffalo able to do this? Defensive Coordinator Leslie Frazier challenged the Ravens to beat them through the air by running 3 LB sets on 41% of snaps and bringing down one of Jordan Poyer or Micah Hyde to stack the box with 7 or 8 players on nearly every play. This, often, left the Bills’ DBs matched up in a rare version of single coverage which the Bills won on a consistent basis. An eye-opening game for the Bills and one that they won because of scheme, a scheme they can’t afford to run against the Chiefs.
The Chiefs are more than competent of moving the ball on the ground, when at full health. Rookie Clyde Edwards-Helaire (CEH) burst onto the scene early in 2020 and was on pace to finish with just around 1000 rushing yards before suffering a substantial high-ankle sprain against the Saints on December 20th. Sidelined now for just over 1 month CEH is bordering on healthy enough to play with the average recovery time between 4-6 weeks. If CEH cannot suit up the likely replacement for him is not Le’Veon Bell (Who is now dealing with a knee injury) but instead 3rd year back Darrel Williams. In the Chiefs’ 1st playoff game against the Browns Williams would finish with 13 carries to Bells’ 2. Primarily a deep depth player Williams is getting more work now than he has at any other point in his professional career. Dynamic enough a player in his Senior season at LSU, with 1151 yards and 9 TDs on 168 touches, the Chiefs took a flyer on him picking him up as an undrafted rookie in 2018. A 1-cut back that finishes downhill Williams who is listed at 5’11” 224lb looks much smaller but plays like a bruiser. As for the previously mentioned Le’Veon Bell, he has exceeded 35% of offensive snaps just once since joining the Chiefs and saw a season low of 16% in the first round of the playoffs. I postured it when it happened but with the Bills in the mix for Bell earlier in the season is it possible the Chiefs were keeping him away from a team they could see in the AFC Championship game? Something to think about.
In front of whoever is running the ball is an offensive line, that like the Bills, looks a little different from the last time these two teams faced off. At Center the Chiefs elected to start veteran Daniel Kilgore over presumptive starter Austin Reiter. Reiter would eventually regain his starting role in Week 9 and will get the start against the Bills on Sunday. At RT Mitchell Schwartz started the game against Buffalo but after suffering a back injury early in that game has now been replaced by ex-Bucs, Chargers, Panthers, Rams, Vikings, and Giants tackle Mike Remmers. The other 3 positions are held by men that Bills saw in their last matchup. Andre Wylie (RG), an undrafted free agent from 2018, and Nick Allegretti (LG), a 7th round pick in 2019, man the guard positions where they combine to be roughly 630 pounds and are capable of pushing the DTs in front of them back into opposing LBs. The OL is topped off by its headliner, Left Tackle, Eric Fisher who earned his second Pro Bowl nod this season and has been one of the more consistent linemen in the NFL over his 8-year career which started with him being the #1 overall pick in 2013. Fisher has incredibly quick feet and long arms which will provide him an advantage over whichever pass rusher lines up over him.
I would not be surprised in the least if the Bills employ the same defensive scheme they did against the Chiefs in their first matchup during the AFC Championship game. Forcing the Chiefs to run the ball at a defense which now includes the most underrated player in all the NFL, Matt Milano, should play right into Buffalo’s hands. If the Chiefs take the bait and elect to go this route it should surprise everyone if they exceed their 221 rushing yards from the previous matchup. The Bills’ Front 7 has vastly improved since that matchup and should see new faces, including Harrison Phillips, making plays up front. Expect a light lineup at times during the game meaning more Ed Oliver and Quinton Jefferson as the Bills’ attempt to pressure Mahomes and force the Chiefs to run up the middle. This puts heavy reliance on the Bills’ LBs to clean up the scraps which via dramatic improvement, Tremaine Edmunds looks more capable of now than at any other point in the season. One player that goes un-talked about way more than he should is Safety Jordan Poyer. A massive Pro Bowl snub, Poyer is playing with a chip on his shoulder and under the bright lights with a chance to prove why he is not just one of the best in the AFC but the entire NFL, expect a big game from him and keep your eyes peeled for his use of the “Peanut Punch”.
EDGE: Chiefs 👏 👏
Bills’ Special Teams vs. Chiefs’ Special Teams
Coming into the playoffs the Buffalo Bills were widely considered to have one of the best ST units in the entire NFL, which has been tested through 2 weeks. In the Wildcard round the Buffalo Bills played the Indianapolis Colts whose Special Teams consisted of above average return groups, excellent coverage units, a similar kicker to the Bills, and one of the more efficient punters in the NFL. The Bills may have lost the field position battle here but when calling upon their punter and kicker they answered the bell every time while a Colts’ missed kick ultimately decided the game. Against the Ravens the Bills would play one of, if not, the greatest kickers of all time in Justin Tucker, a punter that had barely given up any return yards, and solid return and coverage teams. As the game ended the Bills and Ravens’ Punters paced each other, as did the Bills rookie Kicker to Justin Tucker, while Andre Roberts was the only return man able to pick up yards in the return game (34 in total). Were these decisive victories for the Bills against opposing Special Teams? No. But when going against the best and at a minimum finishing neck and neck with them the Bills’ Special Teams have clearly announced themselves as a weapon in the playoffs.
As we roll on in the playoffs I would not be surprised if, though I would advise against, this is the last time we see Andre Roberts in a Buffalo Bills’ uniform. Still, the 2020 2nd Team All-Pro is a weapon for Buffalo and while he still is yet to score a TD for the Bills don’t be surprised if he has a splash play or two left in him. Heck, there is even a chance he could be the deciding factor between the Chiefs and Bills. At Punter is Corey Bojorquez who has had a Renaissance of a season and is undoubtedly in the upper echelon of Punters in the NFL. Last is Bills’ Kicker Tyler Bass who against the Ravens missed his first FG kick(s) since his 61-yard miss against Seattle back in early November. Bass quietly put together a rookie season for the ages and looks to be on the trajectory to emerge as one of the better kickers in the NFL.
For the Chiefs they trot out 2019 Pro Bowl return man Mecole Hardman who is one of the scarier return men in the NFL. In 2020 his stats have dropped off drastically as he has fallen to 7.0 Y/PR (9.3 in 2019) and 20.4 Y/KR (26.1 in 2020). Still Hardman did bring a punt back for a TD this season and has 4.33 40yd speed making him a dangerous return man to contend with on Sunday. This means for the 3rd straight game Bills’ fans can expect Buffalo to bypass their short kick strategy and kick the ball out of the back of the endzone. At Punter is Tommy Townsend the rookie out of Florida who had a solid campaign as a Punter in his first season. Townsend would finish the season with a Punt Avg of 45.0 and a Net Punt Avg of 40.4 right around the middle of the NFL in both categories. At kicker is Harrison Butker who at times is in contention for best kicker in the NFL and at others misses kicks that even Sam Ficken could hit. On the regular season Butker went 25 of 27 on Field Goals with misses from 42 and 48 but just 48 of 54 (88.9%) from XP. In his first playoff game against the Browns Butker would go on to miss 1 of 2 FGs (33yd) and 1 XP. This is without a doubt something to monitor during the AFC Championship.
EDGE: Bills 👏 👏
Why We Will Lose
All season long these posts have been filled with a recurring statement, “The Buffalo Bills are the more talented football team”. Sure, I could argue that to be true this week, but I could just as easily argue that the Chiefs are more talented. It all starts on offense where a large amount of the credit is owed to…Andy Reid? Yes, Andy Reid the coach who had turned Donovan McNabb into a household name, Michael Vick into an MVP contender, and Alex Smith into a perennial winner as a starting QB has now been handed the keys to a QB who may just be better than all of them combined. Reid will find the weak points in the Bills’ defense and he will attack them over and over until the Chiefs put up enough points to win the game. Kelce is a mismatch, Hill is a zone breaker, they will run the ball effectively, and Mahomes will make big play after big play.
And then there’s their unheralded defense that has quietly been improving as the season went on and at points was the key to them winning football games. They have the two dynamos in Tyrann Mathieu and Chris Jones who have been described in detail above while the other 9 players on the field with them complement each other well. The Chiefs will send complex blitzes at Allen, stuff the run, blow up the Bills’ receivers and force multiple turnovers turning what should be a close game into a blowout. All those statements are feasible outcomes of this game and if even a portion of them were to occur expect the Chiefs to head to their second straight Super Bowl.
Why We Will Win
This is not the same Bills’ team that the Chiefs played on October 19th. This isn’t the same Bills’ team that people have known for the past quarter century. Instead this is a Bills’ team that has showed an affinity for showing up when the whole world is watching. Led by one of the toughest coaches in the NFL the Bills will arrive in Kansas City prepared and their OC, Brian Daboll, will have a gameplan ready to attack a Chiefs’ defense which does not match up well with the Bills’ offense. Yes, they have a competent secondary but if Marlon Humphrey and Marcus Peters were unable to shutdown Stefon Diggs who on the Chiefs will be able to? Factor that in with the other weapons the Bills have in the passing game and a Quarterback that will surely exceed what he did the last time these two teams met, and the Bills are on the precipice of a 30+ point outing.
Is this the same defense that the Chiefs saw in the early part of the 2020 season? No. Back then the Bills’ Palms defense was struggling, and they were without the player that makes their defense hum, OLB Matt Milano. Still, the defense came inches away from turning the tide of the game in October when Justin Zimmer tackled CEH for a 4-yard loss and what looked to be a fumble but was later overturned. By mere inches the Chiefs avoided giving the ball to the Bills on the 35-yard line up 6 with 5:23 left to play. But close only counts in horseshoes in hand grenades and on Sunday night this Bills’ defense isn’t looking for close enough, they are looking to dominate. Turnovers are the key for the Bills and if Buffalo can limit them on their side and force 2+ by KC then the Buffalo Bills who are STARVING to get to a Super Bowl will punch their ticket to Tampa Bay.
Prediction: Bills 31 – Chiefs 28
Coming into writing this post I was confident I was going to choose the Chiefs to win this game. They already beat the Bills this season, the game is in Kansas City, and the Chiefs are experienced in the AFC Championship. Then I started looking at the matchups and I noticed that most of the downfalls of their previous game resembled more aberrations than dominations. Don’t get me wrong the Chiefs could easily win this game but something just feels right about picking Buffalo this week. I expect this game to go down as one of those instant classics we talk about years from now and possibly start a new rivalry in the NFL. At the end of the day I think there will be one big play that decides this game. It could be a Honey Badger strip sack, could be a tip drill between Hyde and Poyer, could be a last second scramble by Patty Mahomes, or could be a rocket thrown by Josh Allen hitting Diggs deep. But I’ll take the Bills making that play. So, Mount Up Mafia, it’s almost game time.
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2021 NFL Mock Draft 7-Round

  1. JAX – Trevor Lawerence – QB – CLEMSON
This is the easiest pick of the draft. The Jaguars battled all year to gain the first overall pick. Helped by a few late wins from the Jets, now the Jaguars are primed to get a generational quarterback in Trevor Lawerence.
  1. NYJ – Ja’Marr Chase – WR – LSU
The Jets have a lot of questions at the quarterback position, and may not even have this pick come late April. However, in this draft, I’m going to assume they allow Darnold to have one more year and if that is the case, I will assume the Jets do everything they can to put playmakers around Darnold.
  1. MIA – Devonta Smith – WR – ALABAMA
The Dolphins are on the verge of being a playoff team and now they can add the third pick in the draft. Brian Flores and his staff were just down in Mobile doing some early scouting. That’s where he got to converse with Smith for the first day. I have a feeling they fell in love and will reunite Tua and Smith.
  1. ATL – Zach Wilson – QB – BYU
The Falcons still have a few years to go on Matt Ryan’s contract. But when a top quarterback slips to you at four and there aren’t any elite defenders coming out, you must think about your future. Wilson is a project with a big arm, who will learn a ton from holding the clipboard for a year or two behind an MVP-winning quarterback in Matt Ryan.
  1. CIN – Penei Sewell – OT – OREGON
The Bengals already have their franchise quarterback and then they learned what it’s like to have your franchise quarterback get injured. Zac Taylor and his staff are not about to go through that again. Stocking up on offensive lineman early. Sewell will fit right into Cincinnati and will be an automatic starter from day one.
  1. PHI – Kyle Pitts – TE – FLORIDA
Most people are mocking Patrick Surtain or Caleb Farley to the Eagles with the sixth pick. This is a very fair pick to mock given the Eagles’ desperation at the cornerback position, but with the news that Zach Ertz may be on his way out and Carson Wentz likely staying, I have the Eagles adding another tight end to help make Wentz feel more comfortable as a starter.
  1. DET – Micah Parsons – LB – PENN STATE
The Lions are in desperate need at the linebacking core among many other positions. Parsons’ opted out of the 2020 season and has some off-the-field issues we need to keep our eye on. However, on-the-field Parsons has the potential to be an elite linebacker and that’s something the Lions haven’t had since DeAndre Levy.
  1. CAR – Justin Fields – QB – OHIO STATE
Even if Teddy Bridgewater is back in a Panthers helmet next year, he isn’t the final answer. Combined with the quarterbacks dropping in this mock, it’s a perfect situation for the Panthers to get Fields. Though in late April there will be plenty of trades and the Panthers will really need to jump up if they want to get Fields.
  1. DEN – Patrick Surtain II – CB – ALABAMA
The Broncos will try to let Lock keep his starting job one more year. With a healthy Sutton, Jeudy, Hamler, Patrick, and Fant, the offense could be ready for a breakout season. But that will need to be met with a tough defense if they want any shot of competing for the AFC West title. Surtain is a tough, physical cornerback who can step right in and guard the best of the best.
  1. DAL – Rashawn Slater – OT – NORTHWESTERN
The Cowboys do need a lot of help on the defensive side. Farley was going to be the pick here or even Paye, but ultimately we know how much the Cowboys value their offensive line and with Slater sitting here they just can’t pass him up. Another very talented offensive lineman heading to Dallas.
  1. NYG – Kwity Paye – EDGE – MICHIGAN
Most are mocking Waddle to the Giants here, and I’ve also been on that train with almost every mock draft. Yet the more I mull it over, it’s more likely they sit and wait to add a receiving weapon and try to keep adding to their defense. A healthy Barkley should allow their current receivers to see fewer double teams and be able to get open faster.
  1. SF – Trey Lance – QB – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
The 49ers didn’t win the Matthew Stafford sweepstakes. More quarterbacks could be dealt between now and the draft, but assuming the 49ers stick with Garopollo, I would like to think they bring in Lance to compete for the starting gig. Garopollo isn’t that expensive to cut if needed and if Lance wins out the QB1 role, we could see Garopollo become a cap casualty.
  1. LAC – Jaylen Waddle – WR – ALABAMA
If Waddle falls this far, even with Keenan Allen and Mike Williams, I would be shocked if the Chargers didn’t jump at the chance to add another electrifying piece to their offense. We saw Herbert throw great touchdowns to players we didn’t know were even in the league. Just think of how explosive this offense could be with the addition of Waddle.
  1. MIN – Gregory Rousseau – EDGE – MIAMI
The Vikings aren’t really in a pressing situation to add an edge rusher, I understand. However, Rousseau performed his best when set up on the interior part of the defensive line. He can still get around offensive tackles and he can push around guards. He will add a big presence on the defensive side as they get a lot of injured players back. A perfect puzzle piece for this Zimmer defense.
  1. NE – Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah – LB – NOTRE DAME
The Patriots need some playmakers on offense, sure. But they’ve tried and failed at adding “skill” positions in the first round, two of the last three seasons. I doubt Belichick goes back to that well. We will see him add some playmakers later in this draft, but for day one, I assume he targets Owusu-Koramoah or another offensive lineman like Christian Darrisaw. I chose the former for this mock draft.
  1. ARI – Caleb Farley – CB – VIRGINIA TECH
As much as we all want the Cardinals to add Harris or Etienne with this pick, I just can’t justify drafting a running back this high. The Cardinals need a lot of help on the defensive side. Farley should be a top ten pick probably2, but in this mock, he’s fallen all the way to 16, right into the Cardinals’ lap. There’s no way they pass on Farley and we can expect him to step right into a starting role on this defense.
  1. LV – Joseph Ossai – EDGE – TEXAS
Mike Mayock and Jon Gruden love to get players from big “football” schools. Texas fits that mold perfectly and thus, Joseph Ossai, is the perfect match for the Raiders. He will be able to make an instant impact along with Ferrell on this defense. Their offense should look better with their top receivers having a year of experience, so I assume the front office wants to keep bolstering that defense to help them get to Mahomes. Because we all know you must go through the Chiefs if you want to win the AFC.
  1. MIA – Christian Darrisaw – OT – VIRGINIA TECH
The Dolphins already added the Heisman Trophy winner with the third pick. Now they attack their offensive line instead of adding another “skill” position. Darrisaw is someone who could easily be gone by this pick, but if he falls all the way to 18 the Dolphins would be crazy not to scoop him up. He will help open holes for whoever is running the ball and protect Tua from hitting the ground.
  1. WAS – Rashod Bateman – WR – MINNESOTA
In most of my past mock drafts, I had the Redskins reaching a bit for Alabama quarterback Mac Jones here. I do think it’s likely they do that if they don’t address that position in the offseason. For this mock draft though, let’s roll the dice and try to add some more guys who can catch the ball for this team. The Redskins had a great defense last year with the league’s top pass defense. Now they need someone other than McLaurin to make big plays, enter Bateman.
  1. CHI – Alijah Vera-Tucker – iOL – USC
The Bears need offensive linemen. It’s science. They will also need a quarterback if they don’t get on during the offseason, so another landing spot for Mac Jones here or potential suitor to trade up. Yet if everything stays the way it is, there is no way the Bears pass on the best interior offensive lineman in this draft. He will be able to set up Montgomery for a big season.
  1. IND – Jaycee Horn – CB – SOUTH CAROLINA
This is probably the pick I’ve mocked most consistently outside of Trevor Lawerence to the Jaguars, which means there’s probably a .01% chance Horn gets drafted here. It seems like a perfect fit to add Horn here. Again, a team will need a quarterback so the Mac Jones thought or trade thought comes up, but if it all stays still, I love Horn here.
  1. TEN – Christian Barmore – iDL – ALABAMA
The Titans need help on their defensive line. Plain and simple they most attack someone who can turn around and attack opposing quarterbacks. Barmore is the perfect fit. We saw his talents shown on the biggest of stages with Alabama and now will lineup with Jeffrey Simmons and company. Look for them to address the offensive line and wide receivers in the next rounds as I know many Titans fans think those are more pressing at the time.
  1. NYJ – Najee Harris – RB – ALABAMA
The fifth Alabama player taken in the first round may be the best player from the team for immediate impact. Harris will step into the Jets backfield as the clear starter. We saw Ty Johnson find a groove running the ball behind Becton. As much as I advise for teams not to draft a running back early, this is kind of a no brainer pick. The Jets will be adding two impactful playmakers on the offensive side of the ball to give Darnold all the best chances to show he can be successful.
  1. PIT – Samuel Cosmi – OT – TEXAS
The Steelers started hot with an 11-game winning streak but faltered towards the end of the season that was capped off to a brutal loss to the Browns in the playoffs. The Steelers had no run game all season and relied heavily on the near-retired Roethlisberger to keep them in games. This year, whether they draft a running back, sign one, or roll with the same crew, they will need offensive line help.
  1. JAX – Trevon Moehrig – S – TCU
The Jaguars still need a lot of help at a ton of positions, so it’s a great thing they have an abundance of draft picks this year. One of their most scarce positions is the entire defensive secondary. They’ll need to address both the corner positions and the safety positions. The Jaguars already got the best quarterback and now add the best safety in this year’s draft rounding out a solid first round for the one-win Jags.
  1. CLE – Jaelan Phillips – EDGE – MIAMI
With good Linebackers still available, I would be kind of shocked if they didn’t go after Bolton or Collins. However, let’s not count out the fact the Browns will need to address their Edge position and Phillips would be a perfect fit for this scheme. The Browns need to address their defense regardless, no matter the position. So this pick is up to whoever you think will be the best player available. I inserted Phillips because I think he can make the biggest factor next season as the Browns are in a full win-now mode.
  1. BAL – Terrace Marshall Jr – WR – LSU
The Ravens might not go back to the well of a wide receiver in the first round, but we all know they need it. They took a shot on the speedster Hollywood Brown a few years ago, but he hasn’t been able to live up to WR1 status. He needs a solid X-receiver to come in and take pressure away from Brown. If the Ravens do this, they will be setting up Lamar Jackson for the best passing season of his career.
  1. NO – Mac Jones – QB – ALABAMA
The sixth Alabama player taken in the first round is the man who touched the ball on almost every offensive snap this season. Mac Jones showed up during the Senior Bowl practices but ultimately couldn’t play in the game due to an ankle injury. But that won’t stop him from getting drafted in the first round. He will have big shoes to fill following future Hall-of-Famer Drew Brees, but it’s not like he hasn’t filled some big shoes already.
  1. GB – Zaven Collins – LB – TULSA
It seems pretty obvious the Packers should be drafting a wide receiver with the 29th pick this year. This is exactly why they don’t in this mock draft. Though they do get a steak of a player with Collins still on the board. Linebacker might not be the biggest need for the Packers, but after coming off a 13-3 season for the second straight season, it seems like they do not have a ton of hotels to fill. They go with the best player available and a player who will be an instant starter.
  1. BUF – Nick Bolton – LB – MISSOURI
Bolton is the type of player that will embrace Bills Mafia and be a hometown hero. The Bills were so close to getting back to the Super Bowl but ultimately fell to the king of the AFC. As much as the Bills may need help at offensive line, running back and even wide receiver, it’s their defense that needs the most when it comes to the first round.
  1. TB** – Azeez Ojulari – EDGE – GEORGIA
The Bucs could easily win the Super Bowl and have the 32nd pick, but for all intents and purposes, we will say the Chiefs run it back – That being said, the Bucs could use some help at wide receiver if Godwin leaves and at running back if Fournette leaves. But those roles can be filled by players taken later in the draft. They need to get more pressure on opposing quarterbacks and that’s where Ojulari will step right in.
  1. KC** – Wyatt Davis – iOL – OHIO STATE
The Chiefs may not win the Super Bowl, but we will just assume that they do – The Chiefs will be losing Sammy Watkins this offseason and though, Hardman has stepped up a little in the playoffs, I will expect them to address the wide receiver position early in the draft. But not this early, get them a big inside offensive lineman to help keep their pride and joy, Patrick Mahomes, upright and healthy.
2021 NFL Mock Draft: SECOND ROUND 33. JAX – Alex Leatherwood – OT – ALABAMA
  1. NYJ – Eric Stokes – CB – GEORGIA
  2. MIA – Travis Etienne – RB – CLEMSON
  3. ATL – Javonte Williams – RB – NORTH CAROLINA
  4. CIN – Landon Dickerson – iOL – ALABAMA
  5. PHI – Asante Samuel Jr – CB – FLORIDA STATE
  6. DET – Kadarius Toney – WR – FLORIDA
  7. CAR – Jalen Mayfield – OT – MICHIGAN
  8. DEN – Carlos Basham Jr – EDGE – WAKE FOREST
  9. DAL – Jayson Oweh – EDGE – PENN STATE
  10. NYG – Dylan Moses – LB – ALABAMA
  11. SF – Trey Smith – iOL – TENNESSEE
  12. LAC – Teven Jenkins – OT – OKLAHOMA STATE
  13. JAX – Pat Freiermuth – TE – PENN STATE
  14. NE – Liam Eichenberg – OT – NOTRE DAME
  15. ARI – Chazz Surratt – LB – NORTH CAROLINA
  16. LV – Daviyon Nixon – iDL – IOWA
  17. MIA – Cameron McGrone – LB – MICHIGAN
  18. WAS – Kyle Trask – QB – FLORIDA
  19. CHI – Nico Collins – WR – MICHIGAN
  20. IND – Rondale Moore – WR – PURDUE
  21. TEN – Amon-Ra St. Brown – WR – USC
  22. SEA – Dillon Radunz – OT – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
  23. PIT – Aaron Robinson – CB – UCF
  24. LAR – Spencer Brown – OT – NORTHERN IOWA
  25. CLE – Jay Tufele – iDL – USC
  26. BAL – Jevon Holland – S – OREGON
  27. NO – Baron Browning – LB – OHIO STATE
  28. GB – D’Wayne Eskridge – WR – Western Michigan
  29. BUF – Shaun Wade – CB – OHIO STATE
  30. TB – Levi Onwuzurike – iDL – WASHINGTON
  31. KC – Pete Werner – LB – OHIO STATE
  1. NYJ – Hamilcar Rashed Jr – EDGE – OREGON STATE
  2. HOU – Greg Newsome II – CB – NORTHWESTERN
  3. ATL – Payton Turner – EDGE – HOUSTON
  4. CIN – Tyson Campbell – CB – GEORGIA
  5. PHI – Chatarius Atwell – WR – LOUISVILLE
  6. DET – Marlon Tuipulotu – iDL – USC
  7. CAR – Jabril Cox – LB – LSU
  8. DEN – Tommy Togiai – iDL – OHIO STATE
  9. DAL – Deonte Brown – iOL – ALABAMA
  10. NYG – Ifeatu Melifonwu – CB – SYRACUSE
  11. WAS – Jackson Carman – OT – CLEMSON
  12. LAC – Creed Humphrey – iOL – OKLAHOMA
  13. MIN – Josh Myers – iOL – OHIO STATE
  14. ARI – Michael Carter – RB – NORTH CAROLINA
  15. LV – Hamsah Nasirildeen – S – FLORIDA STATE
  16. MIA – Quincy Roche – EDGE – MIAMI
  17. WAS – Paulson Adebo – CB – STANFORD
  18. CHI – Walker Little – OT – STANFORD
  19. IND – Tyler Shelvin – iDL – LSU
  20. TEN – Elijah Molden – CB – WASHINGTON
  21. NYJ – Hunter Long – TE – BOSTON COLLEGE
  22. PIT – Alim McNeill – iDL – NC STATE
  23. DET – Israel Mukuamu – CB – SOUTH CAROLINA
  24. CLE – Ambry Thomas – CB – MICHIGAN
  25. MIN – Richie Grant – S – UCF
  26. CLE – Aaron Banks – iOL – NOTRE DAME
  27. GB – Marvin Wilson – iDL – FLORIDA STATE
  28. BUF – Jordan Smith – EDGE – UAB
  29. TB – James Hudson – OT – CINCINNATI
  30. KC – Elijah Moore – WR – OLE MISS
  31. NE – Tylan Wallace – WR – OKLAHOMA STATE
  32. LAC – Victor Dimukeje – EDGE – DUKE
  33. NO – Kary Vincent Jr – CB – LSU
  34. DAL – Brevin Jordan – TE – MIAMI
  35. LAR – Patrick Jones II – EDGE – PITTSBURGH
  36. TEN – Amari Rodgers – WR – CLEMSON
  37. SF – Tommy Tremble – TE – NOTRE DAME
  38. LAR – Charles Snowden – LB – VIRGINIA
  39. NO – Dyami Brown – WR – NORTH CAROLINA
2021 NFL Mock Draft: FOURTH ROUND 105. JAX – Sage Surratt – WR – WAKE FOREST
  1. NYJ – Daelin Hayes – EDGE – NOTRE DAME
  2. HOU – Adetokunbo Ogundeji – EDGE – NOTRE DAME
  3. ATL – Paris Ford – S – PITTSBURGH
  4. CIN – Ronnie Perkins – EDGE – OKLAHOMA
  5. CLE – Andre Cisco – S – SYRACUSE
  6. DET – Tariq Thompson – S – SAN DIEGO STATE
  7. CAR – Rodarius Williams – CB – OKLAHOMA STATE
  8. DEN – Monty Rice – LB – GEORGIA
  9. DAL – Keith Taylor Jr – CB – WASHINGTON
  10. NYG – Seth Williams – WR – AUBURN
  11. SF – Shakur Brown – CB – MICHIGAN STATE
  12. LAC – Deommodore Lenoir – CB – OREGON
  13. MIN – Osa Odighizuwa – iDL – UCLA
  14. NE – Talanoa Hufanga – S – USC
  15. HOU – Ben Cleveland – iOL – GEORGIA
  16. LV – David Moore – iOL – GRAMBLING
  17. MIA – Jaylen Twyman – iDL – PITTSBURGH
  18. WAS – Richard LeCounte III – S – GEORGIA
  19. MIN – Shi Smith – WR – SOUTH CAROLINA
  20. IND – Kellen Mond – QB – TEXAS A&M
  21. TEN – Joe Tyron – EDGE – WASHINGTON
  22. SEA – Janarius Robinson – EDGE – FLORIDA STATE
  23. PIT – Kenneth Gainwell – RB – MEMPHIS
  24. JAX – Rachad Wildgoose Jr – CB – WISCONSIN
  25. CLE – Ar’Darius Washington – S – TCU
  26. BAL – Rashad Weaver – EDGE – PITTSBURGH
  27. NO – Elerson Smith – EDGE – NORTHERN IOWA
  28. GB – Brady Christensen – OT – BYU
  29. MIN – Robert Hainsey – OT – NOTRE DAME
  30. TB – Trey Sermon – RB – OHIO STATE
  31. KC – Darius Stills – iDL – WEST VIRGINIA
  32. NE – Tedarrell Slaton – iDL – FLORIDA
  33. LAR – Dazz Newsome – WR – NORTH CAROLINA
  34. DAL – James Wiggins – S – CINCINNATI
  35. GB – Kelvin Joseph – CB – KENTUCKY
  36. PIT – Jonathan Cooper – EDGE – OHIO STATE
  37. MIN – Trey Hill – iOL – GEORGIA
  38. NE – Kenny Yeboah – TE – OLE MISS
2021 NFL Mock Draft: FIFTH ROUND 144. JAX – Chuba Hubbard – RB – OKLAHOMA STATE
  1. NYJ – Javian Hawkins – RB – LOUISVILLE
  2. HOU – Anthony Schwartz – WR – AUBURN
  3. ATL – Tony Fields II – LB – WEST VIRGINIA
  4. CIN – Whop Philyor – WR – INDIANA
  5. PHI – Caden Sterns – S – TEXAS
  6. DET – Adrian Ealy – OT – OKLAHOMA
  7. CAR – Jack Anderson – iOL – TEXAS TECH
  8. DEN – Sadarius Hutcherson – iOL – SOUTH CAROLINA
  9. PHI – Joshuah Bledsoe – S – MISSOURI
  10. NYJ – Reed Blankenship – S – MIDDLE TENNESSEE
  11. SF – Tyree Gillespie – S – MISSOURI
  12. LAC – Divine Deablo – S – VIRGINIA TECH
157.MIN – Jamie Newman – QB – WAKE FOREST
  1. NE – Sam Ehlinger – QB – TEXAS
  2. ARI – Shaka Toney – EDGE – PENN STATE
  3. BUF – Patrick Johnson – EDGE – TULANE
  4. LV – Olaijah Griffin – CB – USC
  5. WAS – Tommy Kraemer – iOL – NOTRE DAME
  6. CHI – Brady White – QB – MEMPHIS
  7. IND – Wyatt Hubert – EDGE – KANSAS STATE
  8. TEN – Cordell Volson – OT – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
  9. SEA – Drake Jackson – iOL – KENTUCKY
  10. BAL – James Empey – iOL – BYU
  11. CLE – Marlon Williams – WR – UCF
  12. JAX – Cornell Powell – WR – CLEMSON
  13. MIN – Thomas Graham Jr – CB – OREGON
  14. SF – Malcolm Koonce – EDGE – BUFFALO
  15. GB – Rhamondre Stevenson – RB – OKLAHOMA
  16. BUF – Alaric Jackson – OT – IOWA
  17. TB – Frank Darby – WR – ARIZONA STATE
  18. KC – Cole Van Lanen – OT – WISCONSIN
  19. KC – Bryce Thompson – CB – TENNESSEE
  20. DAL – Bobby Brown III – iDL – TEXAS A&M
  21. GB – Josh Imatorbhebhe – WR – ILLINOIS
  22. SF – Simi Fehoko – WR – STANFORD
  23. KC – Joshua Kaindoh – EDGE – FLORIDA STATE
  24. ATL – Josh Palmer – WR – TENNESSEE
2021 NFL Mock Draft: SIXTH ROUND 182. TEN – Tre’ McKitty – TE – GEORGIA
  1. NE – Kylin Hill – RB – MISSISSIPPI STATE
  2. HOU – Demetric Felton – RB/WR – UCLA
  3. ATL – Robert Rochell – CB – CENTRAL ARKANSAS
  4. CIN – Joshua Ross – LB – MICHIGAN
  5. PHI – Brenden Jaimes – OT – NEBRASKA
  6. DAL – Justin Hilliard – LB – OHIO STATE
  7. CAR – Noah Gray – TE – DUKE
  8. DEN – Drew Himmelman – OT – ILLINOIS STATE
  9. NE – DJ Daniel – CB – GEORGIA
  10. NYG – Chris Evans – RB – MICHIGAN
  11. SF – Pooka Williams – RB – KANSAS
  12. LAC – Khalil Herbert – RB – VIRGINIA TECH
  13. MIN – Kuony Deng – LB – CALIFORNIA
  14. NYJ – Feleipe Franks – QB – ARKANSAS
  15. NYG – Tristen Hodge – iOL – BYU
  16. MIA – Josh Sills – iOL – OKLAHOMA STATE
  17. HOU – Austin Watkins – WR – UAB
  18. CHI – Ihmir Smith-Marsette – WR – IOWA
  19. IND – Landon Young – OT – KENTUCKY
  20. LAC – Ventrell Miller – LB – FLORIDA
  21. MIA – Cade Johnson – WR – SOUTH DAKOTA STATE
  22. PIT – Jaelon Darden – WR – NORTH TEXAS
  23. LAR – Kevin Jarvis – iOL – MICHIGAN STATE
  24. CLE – Paddy Fisher – LB – NORTHWESTERN
  25. BAL – Nick Eubanks – TE – MICHIGAN
  26. HOU – Miller Forristall – TE – ALABAMA
  27. GB – Drew Dalman – iOL – STANFORD
  28. BUF – Jaret Patterson – RB – BUFFALO
  29. KC – Jermar Jefferson – RB – OREGON STATE
  30. TEN – Todd Harris Jr – S – LSU
  31. BAL – Marco Wilson – CB – FLORIDA
  32. ATL – Khyiris Tonga – iDL – BYU
  33. TB – Tuf Borland – LB – OHIO STATE
  34. ATL – Shaun Beyer – TE – IOWA
  35. GB – Cary Angeline – TE – NC STATE
  36. CHI – LaBryan Ray – iDL – ALABAMA
  37. CAR – Naquan Jones – iDL – MICHIGAN STATE
  38. MIN – Elijah Mitchell – RB – LOUISIANA
  39. PHI – Antjuan Simmons – LB – MICHIGAN STATE
  40. DAL – Chris Wilcox – CB – BYU
  41. CHI – Trill Williams – CB – SYRACUSE
  42. PIT – Derrick Barnes – LB – PURDUE
2021 NFL Mock Draft: SEVENTH ROUND 225. JAX – Dax Milne – WR – BYU
  1. SF – Josh Ball – OT – MARSHALL
  2. HOU – Aashari Crosswell – S – ARIZONA STATE
  3. ATL – Chris Rumph II – EDGE – DUKE
  5. PHI – Tarron Jackson – EDGE – COASTAL CAROLINA
  6. SEA – Marquez Stevenson – WR – HOUSTON
  7. CAR – Chauncey Golston – EDGE – IOWA
  8. DEN – Dez Fitzpatrick – WR – LOUISVILLE
  9. DAL – Ian Book – QB – NOTRE DAME
  10. DEN – Peyton Ramsey – QB – NORTHWESTERN
  11. SF – Garret Wallow – LB – TCU
  12. LAC – Mustafa Johnson – iDL – COLORADO
  13. MIN – Tamorrion Terry – WR – FLORIDA STATE
  14. NE – Michael Clemons – EDGE – TEXAS A&M
  15. ARI – Carlo Kemp – iDL – MICHIGAN
  16. WAS – Rakeem Boyd – RB – ARKANSAS
  17. PIT – Tony Poljan – TE – VIRGINIA
  18. WAS – Jonathan Adams Jr – WR – ARKANSAS STATE
  19. LV – Rico Bussey Jr – WR – HAWAII
  20. IND – Damar Hamlin – S – PITTSBURGH
  21. JAX – Lorenzo Neal – iDL – PURDUE
  22. CIN – Luke Farrell – TE – OHIO STATE
  23. TB – Jamien Sherwood – S – AUBURN
  25. CLE – Shane Buechele – QB – SMU
  26. PIT – Zac Thomas – QB – APPALACHIAN STATE
  27. GB – Lamont Wade – S – PENN STATE
  28. DEN – JaCoby Stevens – S – LSU
  29. TB – Jimmy Morrissey – iOL – PITTSBURGH
  30. MIA – Brenton Nelson – S – VIRGINIA
  31. PHI – Trevon Grimes – WR – FLORIDA
Team-By-Team Drafts NEW YORK JETS
1.02 – Ja’Marr Chase – WR – LSU
1.23 – Najee Harris – RB – ALABAMA
2.34 – Eric Stokes – CB – GEORGIA
3.66 – Hamilcar Rashed Jr – EDGE – OREGON STATE
3.86 – Hunter Long – TE – BOSTON COLLEGE
4.106 – Daelin Hayes – EDGE – NOTRE DAME
5.145 – Javian Hawkins – RB – LOUISVILLE
5.154 – Reed Blankenship – S – MIDDLE TENNESSEE
6.196 – Feleipe Franks – QB – ARKANSAS
1.03 – Devonta Smith – WR – ALABAMA
1.18 – Christian Darrisaw – OT – VIRGINIA TECH
2.35 – Travis Etienne – RB – CLEMSON
2.50 – Cameron McGrone – LB – MICHIGAN
3.81 – Quincy Roche – EDGE – MIAMI
4.122 – Jaylen Twyman – iDL – PITTSBURGH
6.198 – Josh Sills – iOL – OKLAHOMA STATE
6.203 – Cade Johnson – WR – SOUTH DAKOTA STATE
7.255 – Brenton Nelson – S – VIRGINIA
1.15 – Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah – LB – NOTRE DAME
2.47 – Liam Eichenberg – OT – NOTRE DAME
3.96 – Tylan Wallace – WR – OKLAHOMA STATE
4.119 – Talanoa Hufanga – S – USC
4.137 – Tedarrell Slaton – iDL – FLORIDA
4.143 – Kenny Yeboah – TE – OLE MISS
5.158 – Sam Ehlinger – QB – TEXAS
6.183 – Kylin Hill – RB – MISSISSIPPI STATE
6.191 – DJ Daniel – CB – GEORGIA
7.239 – Michael Clemons – EDGE – TEXAS A&M
1.30 – Nick Bolton – LB – MISSOURI
2.62 – Shaun Wade – CB – OHIO STATE
3.93 – Jordan Smith – EDGE – UAB
5.160 – Patrick Johnson – EDGE – TULANE
5.173 – Alaric Jackson – OT – IOWA
6.210 – Jaret Patterson – RB – BUFFALO
1.05 – Penei Sewell – OT – OREGON
2.37 – Landon Dickerson – iOL – ALABAMA
3.69 – Tyson Campbell – CB – GEORGIA
4.109 – Ronnie Perkins – EDGE – OKLAHOMA
5.148 – Whop Philyor – WR – INDIANA
6.186 – Joshua Ross – LB – MICHIGAN
7.229 – KJ Costello – QB – MISSISSIPPI STATE
7.247 – Luke Farrell – TE – OHIO STATE
1.24 – Samuel Cosmi – OT -TEXAS
2.56 – Aaron Robinson – CB – UCF
3.87 – Alim McNeill – iDL – NC STATE
4.128 – Kenneth Gainwell – RB – MEMPHIS
4.141 – Jonathan Cooper – EDGE – OHIO STATE
6.204 – Jaelon Darden – WR – NORTH TEXAS
6.224 – Derrick Barnes – LB – PURDUE
7.242 – Tony Poljan – TE – VIRGINIA
7.251 – Zac Thomas – QB – APPALACHIAN STATE
1.26 – Jaelan Phillips – EDGE – MIAMI
2.58 – Jay Tufele – iDL – USC
3.89 – Ambry Thomas – CB – MICHIGAN
3.91 – Aaron Banks – iOL – NOTRE DAME
4.110 – Andre Cisco – S – SYRACUSE
4.130 – Ar’Darius Washington – S – TCU
5.168 – Marlon Williams – WR – UCF
6.206 – Paddy Fisher – LB – NORTHWESTERN
7.250 – Shane Buechele – QB – SMU
1.27 – Terrace Marshall Jr – WR – LSU
2.59 – Jevon Holland – S – OREGON
4.131 – Rashad Weaver – EDGE – PITTSBURGH
5.167 – James Empey – iOL – BYU
6.207 – Nick Eubanks – TE – MICHIGAN
6.213 – Marco Wilson – CB – FLORIDA
1.01 – Trevor Lawerence – QB – CLEMSON
1.25 – Trevon Moehrig – S – TCU
2.33 – Alex Leatherwood – OT – ALABAMA
2.46 – Pat Freiermuth – TE – PENN STATE
3.65 – Dayo Odeyingbo – EDGE – VANDERBILT
4.129 – Rachad Wildgoose Jr – CB – WISCONSIN
5.144 – Chuba Hubbard – RB – OKLAHOMA STATE
5.169 – Cornell Powell – WR – CLEMSON
7.225 – Dax Milne – WR – BYU
7.246 – Lorenzo Neal – iDL – PURDUE
1.21 – Jaycee Horn – CB – SOUTH CAROLINA
2.53 – Rondale Moore – WR – PURDUE
3.84 – Tyler Shelvin – iDL – LSU
4.125 – Kellen Mond – QB – TEXAS A&M
5.164 – Wyatt Hubert – EDGE – KANSAS STATE
6.201 – Landon Young – OT – KENTUCKY
7.245 – Damar Hamlin – S – PITTSBURGH
1.22 – Christian Barmore – iDL – ALABAMA
2.54 – Amon-Ra St. Brown – WR – USC
3.85 – Elijah Molden – CB – WASHINGTON
3.101 – Amari Rodgers – WR – CLEMSON
4.126 – Joe Tyron – EDGE – WASHINGTON
5.165 – Cordell Volson – OT – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
6.182 – Tre’ McKitty – TE – GEORGIA
6.212 – Todd Harris Jr – S – LSU
3.67 – Greg Newsome II – CB – NORTHWESTERN
4.107 – Adetokunbo Ogundeji – EDGE – NOTRE DAME
4.120 – Ben Cleveland – iOL – GEORGIA
  1. 146 – Anthony Schwartz – WR – AUBURN
6.184 – Demetric Felton – RB/WR – UCLA
6.199 – Austin Watkins – WR – UAB
6.208 – Miller Forristall – TE – ALABAMA
7.227 – Aashari Crosswell – S – ARIZONA STATE
1.09 – Patrick Surtain II – CB – ALABAMA
2.41 – Carlos Basham Jr – WAKE FOREST
3.73 – Tommy Togiai – iDL – OHIO STATE
4.113 – Monty Rice – LB – GEORGIA
5.152 – Sadarius Hutcherson – iOL – SOUTH CAROLINA
6.190 – Drew Himmelman – OT – ILLINOIS STATE
7.233 – Dez Fitzpatrick – WR – LOUISVILLE
7.235 – Peyton Ramsey – QB – NORTHWESTERN
7.253 – JaCoby Stevens – S – LSU
1.13 – Jaylen Waddle – WR – ALABAMA
2.45 – Teven Jenkins – OT – OKLAHOMA STATE
3.77 – Creed Humphrey – iOL – OKLAHOMA
3.97 – Victor Dimukeje – EDGE – DUKE
4.117 – Deommodore Lenoir – CB – OREGON
5.156 – Divine Deablo – S – VIRGINIA TECH
6.195 – Khalil Herbert – RB – VIRGINIA TECH
6.202 – Ventrell Miller – LB – FLORIDA
7.237 – Mustafa Johnson – iDL – COLORADO
1.17 – Joseph Ossai – EDGE – TEXAS
2.49 – Daviyon Nixon – iDL – IOWA
3.80 – Hamsah Nasirildeen – S – FLORIDA STATE
4.121 – David Moore – iOL – GRAMBLING
5.161 – Olaijah Griffin – CB – USC
7.244 – Rico Bussey Jr – WR – HAWAII
1.32 – Wyatt Davis – iOL – OHIO STATE
2.64 – Pete Werner – LB – OHIO STATE
3.95 – Elijah Moore – WR – OLE MISS
4.136 – Darius Stills – iDL – WEST VIRGINIA
5.175 – Cole Van Lanen – OT – WISCONSIN
5.176 – Bryce Thompson – CB – TENNESSEE
5.180 – Joshua Kaindoh – EDGE – FLORIDA STATE
6.211 – Jermar Jefferson – RB – OREGON STATE
1.06 – Kyle Pitts – TE – FLORIDA
2.38 – Asante Samuel Jr – CB – FLORIDA STATE
3.70 – Chatarius Atwell – WR – LOUISVILLE
5.149 – Caden Sterns – S – TEXAS
5.153 – Joshuah Bledsoe – S – MISSOURI
6.187 – Brenden Jaimes – OT – NEBRASKA
6.221 – Antjuan Simmons – LB – MICHIGAN STATE
7.230 – Tarron Jackson – EDGE – COASTAL CAROLINA
7.256 – Trevon Grimes – WR – FLORIDA
1.10 – Rashawn Slater – OT – NORTHWESTERN
2.42 – Jayson Oweh – EDGE – PENN STATE
3.74 – Deonte Brown – iOL – ALABAMA
3.99 – Brevin Jordan – TE – MIAMI
4.114 – Keith Taylor Jr – CB – WASHINGTON
4.139 – James Wiggins – S – CINCINNATI
5.177 – Bobby Brown III – iDL – TEXAS A&M
6.188 – Justin Hilliard – LB – OHIO STATE
6.222 – Chris Wilcox – CB – BYU
7.234 – Ian Book – QB – NOTRE DAME
1.11 – Kwity Paye – EDGE – MICHIGAN
2.43 – Dylan Moses – LB – ALABAMA
3.75 – Ifeatu Melifonwu – CB – SYRACUSE
4.115 – Seth Williams – WR – AUBURN
6.192 – Chris Evans – RB – MICHIGAN
6.197 – Tristen Hoge – iOL – BYU
1.19 – Rashod Bateman – WR – MINNESOTA
2.51 – Kyle Trask – QB – FLORIDA
3.76 – Jackson Carman – OT – CLEMSON
3.82 – Paulson Adebo – CB – STANFORD
4.123 – Richard LeCounte III – S – GEORGIA
5.162 – Tommy Kraemer – iOL – NOTRE DAME
7.241 – Rakeem Boyd – RB – ARKANSAS
7.243 – Jonathan Adams Jr – WR – ARKANSAS STATE
1.07 – Micah Parsons – LB – PENN STATE
2.39 – Kadarius Toney – WR – FLORIDA
3.71 – Marlon Tuipulotu – iDL – USC
3.88 – Israel Mukuamu – CB – SOUTH CAROLINA
4.111 – Tariq Thompson – S – SAN DIEGO STATE
5.150 – Adrian Ealy – OT – OKLAHOMA
1.14 – Gregory Rousseau – EDGE – MIAMI
3.78 – Josh Myers – iOL – OHIO STATE
3.90 – Richie Grant – S – UCF
4.118 – Osa Odighizuwa – iDL – UCLA
4.124 – Shi Smith – WR – SOUTH CAROLINA
4.134 – Robert Hainsey – OT – NOTRE DAME
4.142 – Trey Hill – iOL – GEORGIA
5.157 – Jamie Newman – QB – WAKE FOREST
5.170 – Thomas Graham Jr – CB – OREGON
6.195 – Kuony Deng – LB – CALIFORNIA
6.220 – Elijah Mitchell – RB – LOUISIANA
7.238 – Tamorrion Terry – WR – FLORIDA STATE
1.20 – Alijah Vera-Tucker – iOL – USC
2.52 – Nico Collins – WR – MICHIGAN
3.83 – Walker Little – OT – STANFORD
5.163 – Brady White – QB – MEMPHIS
6.200 – Ihmir Smith-Marsette – WR – IOWA
6.218 – LaBryan Ray – iDL – ALABAMA
6.223 – Trill Williams – CB – SYRACUSE
1.29 – Zaven Collins – LB – TULSA
2.61 – D’Wayne Eskridge – WR – WESTERN MICHIGAN
3.92 – Marvin Wilson – iDL – FLORIDA STATE
4.133 – Brady Christensen – OT – BYU
4.140 – Kelvin Joseph – CB – KENTUCKY
5.172 – Rhamondre Stevenson – RB – OKLAHOMA
5.178 – Josh Imatorbhebhe – WR – ILLINOIS
6.209 – Drew Dalman – iOL – STANFORD
6.217 – Cary Angeline – TE – NC STATE
7.252 – Lamont Wade – S – PENN STATE
1.04 – Zach Wilson – QB – BYU
2.36 – Javonte Williams – RB – NORTH CAROLINA
3.68 – Payton Turner – EDGE – HOUSTON
4.108 – Paris Ford – S – PITTSBURGH
5.147 – Tony Fields II – LB – WEST VIRGINIA
5.181 – Josh Palmer – WR – TENNESSEE
6.185 – Robert Rochell – CB – CENTRAL ARKANSAS
6.214 – Khyiris Tonga – iDL – BYU
6.216 – Shaun Beyer – TE – IOWA
7.228 – Chris Rumph II – EDGE – DUKE
1.08 – Justin Fields – QB – OHIO STATE
2.40 – Jalen Mayfield – OT – MICHIGAN
3.72 – Jabril Cox – LB – LSU
4.112 – Rodarius Williams – CB – OKLAHOMA STATE
5.151 – Jack Anderson – iOL – TEXAS TECH
6.189 – Noah Gray – TE – DUKE
6.219 – Naquan Jones – iDL – MICHIGAN STATE
7.232 – Chauncey Golston – EDGE – IOWA
1.28 – Mac Jones – QB – ALABAMA
2.60 – Baron Browning – LB – OHIO STATE
3.98 – Kary Vincent Jr – LSU
3.104 – Dyami Brown – WR – NORTH CAROLINA
4.132 – Elerson Smith – EDGE – NORTHERN IOWA
1.31 – Azeez Ojulari – EDGE – GEORGIA
2.63 – Levi Onwuzurike – iDL – WASHINGTON
3.94 – James Hudson – OT – CINCINNATI
4.135 – Trey Sermon – RB – OHIO STATE
5.174 – Frank Darby – WR – ARIZONA STATE
6.215 – Tuf Borland – LB – OHIO STATE
7.248 – Jamien Sherwood – S – AUBURN
7.254 – Jimmy Morrissey – iOL – PITTSBURGH
1.12 – Trey Lance – QB – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
2.44 – Trey Smith – iOL – TENNESSEE
3.102 – Tommy Tremble – TE – NOTRE DAME
4.116 – Shakur Brown – CB – MICHIGAN STATE
5.155 – Tyler Gillespie – S – MISSOURI
5.171 – Malcolm Koonce – EDGE – BUFFALO
5.179 – Simi Fehoko – WR – STANFORD
6.193 – Pooka Williams – RB – KANSAS
7.226 – Josh Ball – OT – MARSHALL
7.236 – Garret Wallow – LB – TCU
1.16 – Caleb Farley – CB – VIRGINIA TECH
2.48 – Chazz Surratt – LB – NORTH CAROLINA
3.79 – Michael Carter – RB – NORTH CAROLINA
5.159 – Shaka Toney – EDGE – PENN STATE
6.240 – Carlo Kemp – iDL – MICHIGAN
2.55 – Dillon Radunz – OT – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
4.127 – Janarius Robinson – EDGE – FLORIDA STATE
5.166 – Drake Jackson – iOL – KENTUCKY
7.231 – Marquez Stevenson – WR – HOUSTON
2.57 – Spencer Brown – OT – NORTHERN IOWA
3.100 – Patrick Jones II – EDGE – PITTSBURGH
3.103 – Charles Snowden – LB – VIRGINIA
4.138 – Dazz Newsome – WR – NORTH CAROLINA
6.205 – Kevin Jarvis – iOL – MICHIGAN STATE
7.249 – Bryan Mills – CB – NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL
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super bowl cities for the next 5 years video

Top 10 Best Super Bowl 50 Commercials (2016 Funniest Ads) Unreal Engine 5 Revealed!  Next-Gen Real-Time Demo ... The Herd  Team's Super Bowl window is open for next 5 years PREDICTING the Next 5 Super Bowl MATCHUPS and WINNERS ... Andy Reid on Super Bowl LIV Win, SUPER-SHOWDOWN-BOWL! - TOON SANDWICH - YouTube NEXT 100  NFL Super Bowl LIV Commercial - YouTube NFL Films Presents: Super Bowl LI, The Greatest Comeback ... Colin reveals which team’s Super Bowl window is open for ... 5 European Mega Projects Of The Next 20 Years - YouTube

The National Football League (NFL) has revealed the future Super Bowl locations where the games will be played for the next five seasons. If you intend to attend the Super Bowl anytime soon, you can start making plans to witness the most anticipated NFL game live. Next year’s prestigious game will be played in Tampa, Florida. Here are the future Super Bowl locations for the next five seasons: Super Bowl LIV: February 2, 2020, Hard Rock Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida. Super Bowl LV: February 7, 2021, Raymond James Stadium, Tampa, Florida. Super Bowl LVI: February 6, 2022, SoFi Stadium, Inglewood, California East Rutherford’s groundbreaking Super Bowl ties the city with Dallas-Fort Worth Metro, Indianapolis and Jacksonville for hosting the Super Bowl one time. If you were wondering, the city of Miami has played host to the NFL’s biggest game 11 times. Close behind is the city of New Orleans, which has hosted the Super Bowl 10 times and is scheduled to host their 11th big game in 2025. Super Bowl 2020: South Florida. For Super Bowl 54 this year, the NFL will return to one of its favorite Super Bowl locations. The Miami area already has hosted 10 Super Bowls, and its 11th will Four locations will become a part of the rotation, including Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and either Arizona or New Orleans. The fifth year will be a wild card spot. Miami is already scheduled to host Super Bowl LIV in 2020. Downtown Miami will be the focal point for the event, unlike during previous Super Bowls. Here are the future Super Bowl locations for the next five seasons: Super Bowl LIV: February 2, 2020, Hard Rock Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida The NFL said Tuesday that the subsequent three Super Bowls will be hosted respectively by Atlanta in 2019, South Florida in 2020 and Los Angeles in 2021. It’s the first time the Super Bowl will... The next two Super Bowls are scheduled for Houston (2017) and Minneapolis (2018). While the winning cities will be thrilled to host a Super Bowl, there are questions as to just how profitable such The NFL has announced future Super Bowl locations for the 2020 season through the 2023 season. The host site for the 2020 season, Super Bowl LV, is Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fla. The game is... A list of all the host cities for each Super Bowl since the first in 1967. Home > Events > Super Bowl > Hosts. Super Bowl Hosts. Here is a list of the host cities for each Super Bowl, since the first playoff in 1967. See also the list of Super Bowl winners listed by year. Date No. Venue; Feb 4, 2024 : LVIII: Mercedes-Benz Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana: Feb 5, 2023: LVII: State Farm Stadium

super bowl cities for the next 5 years top

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Top 10 Best Super Bowl 50 Commercials (2016 Funniest Ads)

Top 10 Best & Funniest Super Bowl Commercials! (NFL Football The Big Game - Superbowl 50s best Ads) What video do you want to see next?Song: Tobu - HopeOther... The Herd Team's Super Bowl window is open for next 5 years Colin Cowherd and Joy Taylor discuss team's Super Bowl window. Colin reveals whether a team's window is open or closed for the next 5 years. #TheHerd #NFL #S... The Ultimate Battle of Good and Evil vs an Even Eviler Evil! ALL the HEROES, ALL the VILLAINS - MARVEL, DC, STAR WARS, X-MEN, LORD OF THE RINGS, HARRY POTTER... Unreal Engine 5 empowers artists to achieve unprecedented levels of detail and interactivity, and brings these capabilities within practical reach of teams o... NFL Films takes a look at the New England Patriots historic come from behind victory against the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI. Subscribe to NFL Films: ht... Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid join the NFL Network set following their Super Bowl LIV win over the San Francisco 49ers.Subscribe to NFL: Infrastructure is cool, MEGA infrastructure is cooler though, here are 5 projects (they're in Europe but also all coincidentally EU) A kick return 100 years in the making. Here’s to the next 100 and the game’s future stars! #NFLNext100 #SBLIV Subscribe to NFL: out ... #SuperBowl #NFL #Predicting Everyone loves the Super Bowl its one of the greatest and most watched sporting events Back on April 2017, we here at TPS project...

super bowl cities for the next 5 years

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